Class 9 Science - Chapter Tissues NCERT Solutions | Differentiate between striated, unstriat

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Science - Chapter Tissues. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 4 , Question 8: differentiate between striated unstriated and car....
Question 8

Differentiate between striated, unstriated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and site/location in the body.

 Striated muscles Unstriated muscles Cardiac muscles
1. The cells of striated muscles are long, cylindrical, unbranched and multinucleate. 1. The cells of unstriated muscles are long and pointed at the ends, spindle shaped and uninucleate. 1. The cells of cardiac muscles are cylindrical, branched and uninucleate.
2. Many nuclei which are situated towards the periphery of muscle fibre. 2. The cells have only one nucleus situated in the center. 2. Each cell contains one or two nuclei situated in the center.


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