Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science. This page offers chapter-wise solutions designed to help students grasp key concepts easily. With detailed answers and explanations for each chapter, students can strengthen their understanding and prepare confidently for exams. Ideal for CBSE and other board students, this resource will simplify your study experience.
Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings
This chapter explains about how a small particle constitue to form matter into different forms like solid, liquid and gases. Matter is that substance that occupies space have mass and volume. Various forms of matter exhibit different properties how the particle are interacted. Lets read more about matter.
Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure
In the previous chapter we had discussed matters. In this chapter we will explore more about pure substance and mixture. What are their properties, how different mixtures of substance can be separated what makes them together.
Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules
Atom (Parmanu) is the basic unit for the chemicals or it better to say that existence of everything around us. If we look in our surrounding we see a lot of thing each and every part is made of atom of different element. We will understand how atom of an element exist all about it mass and properties and what what make them to form molecule and compound.
Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom
Until the structure of atom reveals it was thought atom are indivisible but as the modern technology is advancing more and more. We came to know that these atoms are made of subparticle and they together form an atom. An atom contain positive and negative charges, but yet is electrically stable.
Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life
As the name of the chapter justify the cell is fundamental unit of life. As a house is made of thousand and million af brick similarly all organisms are made as these cell which perform all vital functions for our body. Together they form tissue then organ and organ system then a complete body cells have capability to divide and again form new cell to maintain continuity.
Chapter 6 Tissues
A group of cell that perform similar function are tissue. In a organism how a very minute cell control and coordinate to perform similar function is all about the origin of living organism. Plants and animals are made of different tissue thats why plant are hard to touch but animals are soft. Let's read more of different types of tissues how they organise to form different organs.
Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organisms
We all have seen varieties of organisms in our surroundings. These creatures are nothing but diversity. How these organisms evolve is still a mystery but evolution explains that due to change in environment the organism adapted according to change that lead to formation of species. In this chapter we will reveal more about taxonomy of organisms given by many scientists so let's get more knowledge of this wonderful world with varieties of organisms.
Chapter 8 Motion
We have seen things around us moving but we don't understand the physics behind this. Motion is due to speed, velocity, acceleration. In this chapter we will deal with these term and try to understand the concept and its physics.
Chapter 9 Force and Laws of Motion
We have all heard about the great scientist Newton, he’s proposed different laws to explain motion. In this chapter we will discuss momentum and its effect with example. Conservation of momentum that means momentum can neither be created nor be destroyed.
Chapter 10 Gravitation
We all know the earth revolve around sun and it rotate on its own axis yet we don't feel the rotation and very surprising that we are on the crust yet we don't fall on space. This is all due to gravitation force, which holds every object on earth. Newton once saw apple falling down the tree, Question arises why this apple falls down not raised up word and small curiosity gives the concept of gravity.
Chapter 11 Work and Energy
From very previous class we have learnt about work, that is the ability to do work. But these are many situation where work done is said to be zero. Satellites revolving around earth is the best example. In this chapter we will discuss about when the work done is positive, negative and zero and various forms of energy.
Chapter 12 Sound
Sensation of hearing is sound with our ears we can listen different kind of sound and even we understand the difference between them but we don't know actual science behind the sound so this chapter make us cleare how of sound originate, it propagates, its quality and many more. You may have also heard the animals like elephant dogs etc can feel natural calamities like earthquake before it commencement what the reason behind this lets understand.
Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall ill
Health is the condition of the body when the body is fit in all aspects like physical, mental, social etc. This healthy condition can be interrupted by many pathogen and leads to disease which may communicable, non communicable, congenital. Here we will learn and understand what are causative organism how we can prevent from disease. Our immunity plays very important role let’s try to understand.
Chapter 14 Natural Resources
Resources are the substance that fulfill our need some of these resources are naturally obtained and maintained by biogeochemical cycles. In this we will cover different topics such as how wind occurs. Why the atmosphere is very important for survival of life on earth and how it is different from the venus atmosphere. This is very exciting chapter which explains how biotic and abiotic components interact and maintain balance of earth. If these resource are used in excess they will vanish and remain for our future generalisation.
Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources
India is second largest populated country to fulfil the daily need like food many improvement programme are launched so that demand can be completely solved and food should be supplied to each one. Different modern technologies are implemented to avoid chemical dependency with high yielding effects. Biotechnology is area where researches are going better and better so that quality and quantity of both animal and plant products can be enhanced.
Popular Questions of Class 9 Science
- Q:-
Abdul, while driving to school, computes the average speed for his trip to be 20 km h-1. On his return trip along the same route, there is less traffic and the average speed is 40 km h-1. What is the average speed for Abdul’s trip?
- Q:-
An object of mass 40 kg is raised to a height of 5 m above the ground. What is its potential energy? If the object is allowed to fall, find its kinetic energy when it is half-way down.
- Q:-
A driver of a car travelling at 52 km h-1 applies the brakes and accelerates uniformly in the opposite direction. The car stops in 5 s. Another driver going at 3 km h-1 in another car applies his brakes slowly and stops in 10 s. On the same graph paper, plot the speed versus time graphs for the two cars. Which of the two cars travelled farther after the brakes were applied?
- Q:-
Fig 8.11 shows the distance-time graph of three objects A,B and C. Study the graph and answer the following questions:
Fig. 8.11
(a) Which of the three is travelling the fastest?
(b) Are all three ever at the same point on the road?
(c) How far has C travelled when B passes A?
(d) How far has B travelled by the time it passes C? - Q:-
Two objects, each of mass 1.5 kg, are moving in the same straight line but in opposite directions. The velocity of each object is 2.5 m s-1 before the collision during which they stick together. What will be the velocity of the combined object after collision?
- Q:-
Soni says that the acceleration in an object could be zero even when several forces are acting on it. Do you agree with her? Why?
- Q:-
Two objects of masses 100 g and 200 g are moving along the same line and direction with velocities of 2 m s-1 and 1 m s-1, respectively. They collide and after the collision, the first object moves at a velocity of 1.67 m s-1. Determine the velocity of the second object.
- Q:-
How do poriferan animals differ from coelenterate animals?
- Q:-
The speed-time graph for a car is shown is Fig. 8.12.
Fig. 8.12
(a) Find how far does the car travel in the first 4 seconds. Shade the area on the graph that represents the distance travelled by the car during the period.
(b) Which part of the graph represents uniform motion of the car? - Q:-
How are sol, solution and suspension different from each other?
Recently Viewed Questions of Class 9 Science
- Q:-
In the following example, try to identify the number of times the velocity of the ball changes: “A football player kicks a football to another player of his team who kicks the football towards the goal. The goalkeeper of the opposite team collects the football and kicks it towards a player of his own team”.
Also identify the agent supplying the force in each case. - Q:-
An object of mass 40 kg is raised to a height of 5 m above the ground. What is its potential energy? If the object is allowed to fall, find its kinetic energy when it is half-way down.
- Q:-
What is the criterion for classification of organisms as belonging to kingdom Monera or Protista?
- Q:-
Define 1 watt of power.
- Q:-
A stone is dropped from the top of a tower 500 m high into a pond of water at the base of the tower. When is the splash heard at the top? Given, g = 10 m s-2 and speed of sound = 340 m s-1.
- Q:-
If action is always equal to the reaction, explain how a horse can pull a cart.
- Q:-
Fig 8.11 shows the distance-time graph of three objects A,B and C. Study the graph and answer the following questions:
Fig. 8.11
(a) Which of the three is travelling the fastest?
(b) Are all three ever at the same point on the road?
(c) How far has C travelled when B passes A?
(d) How far has B travelled by the time it passes C? - Q:-
What does a neuron look like?
- Q:-
Convert the following temperature to celsius scale:
a. 300 K b. 573 K.
- Q:-
If number of electrons in an atom is 8 and number of protons is also 8, then (i) what is the atomic number of the atom? and (ii) what is the charge on the atom?