Class 9 Science - Chapter Is Matter Around Us Pure NCERT Solutions | Write the steps you would use for making

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Science - Chapter Is Matter Around Us Pure. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 5 , Question 2: write the steps you would use for making tea use....
Question 2

Write the steps you would use for making tea. Use the words solution, solvent, solute, dissolve, soluble, insoluble, filtrate and residue.


Steps :

  1. Take 100 ml of water in a pan on a solvent.

  2. Boil it for few minutes 

  3. Add 1 teaspoon tea leaves, add 1 and half tea spoon sugar and 50 ml of milk in a pan. Here, sugar, tea leaves and milk behave like a solute.

  4. Boil it for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves in water and tea leaves and milk also devolve in water. As sugar, tea leaves are soluble in water to form solutions.

  5. The prepared solution is passed to the tea retainer.

  6. The insoluble tea leaves remain in the tea retainer as residue.

  7. The tea (solution) is collected in the cup as filtrate.

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