Class 9 Science - Chapter Is Matter Around Us Pure NCERT Solutions | List the points of differences between h

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Science - Chapter Is Matter Around Us Pure. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 2: list the points of differences between homogeneous....
Question 2

List the points of differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.


Mixtures are formed when two or more pure substances are mined together, for example : salt , solution ,air etc.

Types of mixture :

i). Homogenous mixture    ii). Heterogenous mixture

i). Homogeneous mixture :

  1. A homogenous mixture has a uniform composition throughout its mass.

  2. The constituents of a homogeneous mixture cannot be seen easily.

  3. Homogeneous mixture has no visible boundaries of separation between its constituents. E.g : salt solution.

ii). Heterogeneous mixture :

  1. A heterogeneous, minture does not have a uniform composition throughout its mass.

  2. The constituents of heterogeneous mixture can usually be seen easily.

  3. Heterogeneous mixture has visible boundaries of respiration between the various constituents. e.g.: oil water mixture.

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