Class 9 Science - Chapter Diversity in Living Organisms NCERT Solutions | Explain the basis for grouping organisms

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Science - Chapter Diversity in Living Organisms. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 7 , Question 3: explain the basis for grouping organisms into five....
Question 3

Explain the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms.


The five kingdoms proposed by R.H. Whittaker are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

The basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms is as follows:

(i) On the basis of Cell type, all living organisms are divided into two broad categories of eukaryotes and prokaryotes . This division led to the formation of kingdom Monera, which includes all prokaryotes.

(ii) On the basis of body organisation, organisms can be classified into cellular tissue, organ and organ system level. Unicellular eukaryotes form kingdom Protista, and multicellular eukaryotes form kingdom Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

(iii) Animals are then separated on the basis of presence or absence of a cell wall.

(iv) On the basis of mode of nutrition , since fungi and plants both contain a cell wall, they are separated into different kingdoms. Fungi have heterotrophic mode of nutrition, whereas plants have autotrophic mode of nutrition. This results in the formation of the five kingdoms.

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