Class 9 Science - Chapter Diversity in Living Organisms NCERT Solutions | How are pteridophytes different from the

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Science - Chapter Diversity in Living Organisms. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 5 , Question 2: how are pteridophytes different from the phaneroga....
Question 2

How are pteridophytes different from the phanerogams?

Pteridophyta Phanerogams
The reproductive organs of pteridophytes are inconspicuous or less differentiated. The reproductive organs of phanerogams are well developed.
Pteridophytes have naked embryos that are called spores. Phanerogams produce seeds which consist of embryo and stored food.
Example:  Ferns, Marsilea, Equisetum, etc. Example:  Pinus, Cycas, fir, etc.


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