In the hierarchy of classification, which grouping will have the smallest number of organisms with a maximum of characteristics in common and which will have the largest number of organisms?
In the hierarchy of classification, the grouping that includes the smallest number of organisms with a maximum of characteristics in common is species, whereas the kingdom will have the largest number of organisms.
How do poriferan animals differ from coelenterate animals?
Explain the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms.
Explain how animals in Vertebrata are classified into further subgroups.
Which organisms are called primitive and how are they different from the so-called advanced organisms?
How do gymnosperms and Angiosperms differ from each other?
What are the major divisions in the Plantae? What is the basis for these divisions?
Give three examples of the range of variations that you see in life-forms around you.
How do annelid animals differ from arthropods?
Which do you think is a more basic characteristic for classifying organisms?
(a) the place where they live.
(b) the kind of cells they are made of. Why?
What are the differences between amphibians and reptiles?
Which of the following has more inertia: (a) a rubber ball and a stone of the same size? (b) a bicycle and a train? (c) a five-rupees coin and a one-rupee coin?
State the universal law of gravitation.
Which of the following are matter?
Chair, air, love, smell, hate, almonds, thought, cold, cold-drink, smell of perfume.
A force of 7 N acts on an object. The displacement is, say 8 m, in the direction of the force (Fig. 11.3). Let us take it that the force acts on the object through the displacement. What is the work done in this case?
What is meant by a pure substance?
How does the sound produced by a vibrating object in a medium reach your ear?
In a reaction, 5.3 g of sodium carbonate reacted with 6 g of ethanoic acid. The products were 2.2 g of carbon dioxide, 0.9 g water and 8.2 g of sodium observations are in agreement with the law of conservation of mass.
sodium carbonate + ethanoic acid → sodium ethanoate + carbon dioxide + water
What are canal rays?
State any two conditions essential for good health.
How is our atmosphere different from the atmospheres on Venus and Mars?
If action is always equal to the reaction, explain how a horse can pull a cart.
What are the advantages of inter-cropping and crop rotation?
In a reaction, 5.3 g of sodium carbonate reacted with 6 g of ethanoic acid. The products were 2.2 g of carbon dioxide, 0.9 g water and 8.2 g of sodium observations are in agreement with the law of conservation of mass.
sodium carbonate + ethanoic acid → sodium ethanoate + carbon dioxide + water
Illustrate the law of conservation of energy by discussing the energy changes which occur when we draw a pendulum bob to one side and allow it to oscillate. Why does the bob eventually come to rest? What happens to its energy eventually? Is it a violation of the law of conservation of energy?
A sonar device on a submarine sends out a signal and receives an echo 5 s later. Calculate the speed of sound in water if the distance of the object from the submarine is 3625 m.
When a carpet is beaten with a stick, dust comes out of it. Explain.
Explain the working and application of a sonar.
The average atomic mass of a sample of an element X is 16.2 u. What are the percentages of isotopes 168 X and 188 X in the sample?
Explain how the human ear works.
What does a neuron look like?