Class 11 Physics - Chapter Mechanical Properties of Fluids NCERT Solutions | Fill in the blanks using the word(s) fro

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Physics - Chapter Mechanical Properties of Fluids. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 3: fill in the blanks using the word s from the list....
Question 3

Fill in the blanks using the word(s) from the list appended with each statement:

(a) Surface tension of liquids generally . . . with temperatures (increases / decreases)

(b) Viscosity of gases. .. with temperature, whereas viscosity of liquids . . . with temperature (increases / decreases)

(c) For solids with elastic modulus of rigidity, the shearing force is proportional to . . . , while for fluids it is proportional to . .. (shear strain / rate of shear strain)

(d) For a fluid in a steady flow, the increase in flow speed at a constriction follows (conservation of mass / Bernoulli's principle)

(e) For the model of a plane in a wind tunnel, turbulence occurs at a ... speed for turbulence for an actual plane (greater / smaller)


(a) decreases

The surface tension of a liquid is inversely proportional to temperature.

(b) increases; decreases

Most fluids offer resistance to their motion. This is like internal mechanical friction, known as viscosity. Viscosity of gases increases with temperature, while viscosity of liquids decreases with temperature.

(c) Shear strain; Rate of shear strain

With reference to the elastic modulus of rigidity for solids, the shearing force is proportional to the shear strain. With reference to the elastic modulus of rigidity for fluids, the shearing force is proportional to the rate of shear strain.

(d) Conservation of mass/Bernoulli's principle

For a steady-flowing fluid, an increase in its flow speed at a constriction follows the conservation of mass/Bernoulli's principle.

(e) Greater

For the model of a plane in a wind tunnel, turbulence occurs at a greater speed than it does for an actual plane. This follows from Bernoulli's principle and different Reynolds' numbers are associated with the motions of the two planes.

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