Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy. This page offers chapter-wise solutions designed to help students grasp key concepts easily. With detailed answers and explanations for each chapter, students can strengthen their understanding and prepare confidently for exams. Ideal for CBSE and other board students, this resource will simplify your study experience.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting
Accounting is the process of collecting, recording, summarising and communicating financial information to its users for correct decision making. Accounting is an art as well as science. Bookkeeping is a part of accounting and mainly concerned with recording of financial data. Users of accounting information may be internal users and external users. Internal users include owners, management etc, External users include Banks and financial institutions, creditors etc. Importance accounting terms are business transactions expenses all include and income all include, profit, loss, purchase, liabilities, assets, inventory etc.
Chapter 2 Theory Base of Accounting
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are the basic rules which have been generally accepted by accounting all over to the world as general guidelines for preparing the accounting statements. Accounting concepts include money measurement concept dual concept, matching concept objectivity concept etc. Accounting conventions include conventions of full disclosure, convention of consistency, convention of conservatism and convention of materiality. Double entry system of accounting is based on the principle that every business transaction is recorded in at least two accounts.
Chapter 3 Recording of Transactions - 1
Bills that provide evidence of a transaction are called source documents on the basis of the source documents, entries are first recorded on the vouchers and then on the basin of the vouchers, entries are made in journal. Accounting equation means assets are equal to liabilities plus capital. Left hand side records sources of funds (liabilities), while right hand side records application of funds (Assets).
Chapter 4 Recording of Transactions - 2
Special purpose books include cash book sales book, sales return book, purchase book purchase return book, bills receivable book, bills payable book and journal proper. Single column cash book itself is a cash account. Bank overdraft is a situation in which cash drawn from the bank exceeds the amount of deposits. Contra entry is an entry which is recorded on both sides of the cash book. Advantages of a petty cash book are that the burden of the main cash book is reduced, helps in preparation of ledger accounts, etc. Cash is maintained on the basis of ordinary system or imprest system.
Chapter 5 Bank Reconciliation Statement
A Bank reconciliation statement is a document that matches the cash balance on a company balance sheet to the corresponding amount on its bank statement. They also help detect fraud and any cash manipulations.
Chapter 6 Trail Balance and Rectification of Errors
A trial balance is a statement showing the balances, or total of debits and credits, of all the accounts in the ledger with a view to verify the arithmetical accuracy of posting into the ledger accounts. The task of preparing the statements is simplified because the accountant can take the balances of all accounts from the trial balance instead of going through the whole ledger. The trial balance is prepared to fulfill the following objectives : 1) To ascertain the arithmetical accuracy of the ledger accounts. 2) To help in locating errors. 3) To help in the preparation of the financial statements. (Profit & Loss account and Balance Sheet).
Chapter 7 Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
"Depreciation" means decline in the value of a fixed asset due to use, passage of time or obsolescence. In other words, if a business enterprise procures a machine and uses it in the production process then the value of the machine declines with its usage. Depreciation may be described as a permanent, continuing and gradual shrinkage in the book value of fixed assets. It is based on the cost of assets consumed in a business and not on its market value.
Chapter 8 Bill of Exchange
According to the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, a bill of exchange is defined as an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by the maker, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.
Chapter 9 Financial Statements - 1
The financial statements provide a summary of the accounts of a business enterprises the balance sheet reflecting the assets liabilities and capital as on a certain date and income statement showing the result of operations during a certain period. Capital expenditure is an expenditure benefit of which is discussed over a number of years, expenditure shown in the balance sheet. Deferred Revenue expenditure are those expenses whose benefits expand more than one accounting period not as long as capital is expenditure.
Chapter 10 Financial Statements - 2
Since final accounts are prepared on an actual basis, this is a need for adjustment. Closing stock is the goods lying unsold at the end of the current accounting period. It is shown in the trading account and assets side of the balance sheet. Such expenses are shown in a profit and loss account and liabilities side of the balance sheet. Prepaid expenses are the expenses which have been paid in advance during the current financial year. Such expenses are shown in the assets side of the balance sheet and deducted from the concerned expenses in trading and profit & loss accounts.
Chapter 11 Accounts from Incomplete Records
Accounts from incomplete records, is a system of bookkeeping in which accounting records are not kept according to the double entry principle of bookkeeping; it is called a single entry system. It is a simple method suitable for small businesses and there is no need for the knowledge of principles of book keeping etc. The difference between the opening capital and closing capital profit earned during the year. The difference between opening capital and closing capital is the profit earned during the year.
Chapter 12 Applications of Computers in Accounting
A computer is an electronic device, which is capable of performing a variety of operations as directed by a set of instructions. This set of instruments are capable of instrument is instructions is called a computer programme or software. Computer components that can be physically touched such as keyboard, C.P.U, monitor, mouse etc. are known as computer hardware limitations of computer systems include lack of common issue of sense, lack of own intelligence etc. Components of the computer system are input, central processing unit and output.
Chapter 13 Computerised Accounting System
A computerised accounting system (CAS) refers to use of computers in performing accounting function with the help of application softwares i.e. accounting softwares. Need of computerised accounting varies with numerous transactions, instant reporting, flexible reporting reduction is paperwork, on-line facility, accuracy and security etc.
Popular Questions of Class 11 Accountancy
- Q:-
Mr. Sunrise started a business for buying and selling of stationery with ₹ 5,00,000 as an initial investment. Of which he paid ₹ 1,00,000 for furniture, ₹ 2,00,000 for buying stationery items. He employed a sales person and clerk. At the end of the month he paid ₹ 5,000 as their salaries. Out of the stationery bought he sold some stationery for ₹ 1,50,000 for cash and some other stationery for ₹ 1,00,000 on credit basis to Mr. Ravi. Subsequently, he bought stationery items of ₹ 1,50,000 from Mr. Peace. In the first week of next month there was a fire accident and he lost ₹ 30,000 worth of stationery. A part of the machinery, which cost ₹ 40,000, was sold for ₹ 45,000.
From the above, answer the following :
1. What is the amount of capital with which Mr. Sunrise started business?
2. What are the fixed assets he bought?
3. What is the value of the goods purchased?
4. Who is the creditor and state the amount payable to him?
5. What are the expenses?
6. What is the gain he earned?
7. What is the loss he incurred?
8. Who is the debtor? What is the amount receivable from him?
9. What is the total amount of expenses and losses incurred?
10. Determine if the following are assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses or none of the these: sales, debtors, creditors, salary to manager, discount to debtors, drawings by the owner. - Q:- Explain the qualitative characteristics of accounting information.
- Q:- Describe the role of accounting in the modern world.
- Q:- What do you mean by an asset and what are different types of assets?
- Q:-
Complete the following sentences with appropriate words:
(a) Information in financial reports is based on .....................
(b) Internal users are the ..................... of the business entity.
(c) A ..................... would most likely use an entities financial report to determine whether or not the business entity is eligible for a loan.
(d) The Internet has assisted in decreasing the ..................... in issuing financial reports to users.
(e) ..................... users are groups outside the business entity, who uses the information to make decisions about the business entity.
(f) Information is said to be relevent if it is ......................
(g) The process of accounting starts with ............ and ends with ............
(h) Accounting measures the business transactions in terms of ............ units.
(i) Identified and measured economic events should be recording in ............ order. - Q:-
Differentiate between source documents and vouchers.
- Q:-
What is a journal? Give a specimen of journal showing at least five entries.
- Q:-
Define accounting and state its objectives.
- Q:-
Enumerate informational needs of management.
- Q:-
Complete the following work sheet:
(i) If a firm believes that some of its debtors may ′default′, it should act on this by making sure that all possible losses are recorded in the books. This is an example of the ___________ concept.
(ii) The fact that a business is separate and distinguishable from its owner is best exemplified by the ___________ concept.
(iii) Everything a firm owns, it also owns out to somebody. This co-incidence is explained by the ___________ concept.
(iv) The ___________ concept states that if straight line method of depreciation is used in one year, then it should also be used in the next year.
(v) A firm may hold stock which is heavily in demand. Consequently, the market value of this stock may be increased. Normal accounting procedure is to ignore this because of the ___________.
(vi) If a firm receives an order for goods, it would not be included in the sales figure owing to the ___________.
(vii) The management of a firm is remarkably incompetent, but the firms accountants can not take this into account while preparing book of accounts because of ________ concept.
Recently Viewed Questions of Class 11 Accountancy
- Q:-
Depreciation written off on furniture 1,500 was not posted to depreciation account.
This is an error of ..................................
The wrong effect has been:The correct effect should have been:
The rectification entry will be.
- Q:-
State True or False :
(i) Gross profit is total revenue.
(ii) In trading and profit and loss account, opening stock appears on the debit side because it forms the part of the cost of sales for the current accounting year.
(iii) Rent, rates and taxes is an example of direct expenses.
(iv) If the total of the credit side of the profit and loss account is more than the total of the debit side, the difference is the net profit. - Q:-
What are the steps taken by an accountant to locate the errors in the trial balance?
- Q:-
Select the Correct Answer:
A bank reconciliation statement is prepared by:
(a) Creditors (b) Bank
(c) Account holder in a bank (d) Debtors - Q:-
What is meant by Grouping and Marshalling of assets and liabilities. Explain the ways in which a balance sheet may be marshalled.
- Q:-
Give two examples each of the organisations where ‘ready-to-use’, ‘customised’, and ‘tailored’ accounting packages respectively suitable to perform the accounting activity.
- Q:-
State the causes of difference occurred due to time lag.
- Q:-
Mr. Sunrise started a business for buying and selling of stationery with ₹ 5,00,000 as an initial investment. Of which he paid ₹ 1,00,000 for furniture, ₹ 2,00,000 for buying stationery items. He employed a sales person and clerk. At the end of the month he paid ₹ 5,000 as their salaries. Out of the stationery bought he sold some stationery for ₹ 1,50,000 for cash and some other stationery for ₹ 1,00,000 on credit basis to Mr. Ravi. Subsequently, he bought stationery items of ₹ 1,50,000 from Mr. Peace. In the first week of next month there was a fire accident and he lost ₹ 30,000 worth of stationery. A part of the machinery, which cost ₹ 40,000, was sold for ₹ 45,000.
From the above, answer the following :
1. What is the amount of capital with which Mr. Sunrise started business?
2. What are the fixed assets he bought?
3. What is the value of the goods purchased?
4. Who is the creditor and state the amount payable to him?
5. What are the expenses?
6. What is the gain he earned?
7. What is the loss he incurred?
8. Who is the debtor? What is the amount receivable from him?
9. What is the total amount of expenses and losses incurred?
10. Determine if the following are assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses or none of the these: sales, debtors, creditors, salary to manager, discount to debtors, drawings by the owner. - Q:-
Name the various categories of accounting package.
- Q:-
Favourable bank balance means:
(a) Credit balance in the cash book (b) Credit balance in passbook
(c) Debit balance in the cash book (d) Both (b) and (c)