Class 12 Macro Economics - Chapter Introduction to Macro Economics NCERT Solutions | What is the difference between microecon

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Macro Economics - Chapter Introduction to Macro Economics. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 1: what is the difference between microeconomics and....
Question 1

What is the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics?


The difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics are:

Point of Difference Microeconomics Macroeconomics
Definition It is a branch of economics that studies the Economic variables at an individual level like the households, the firms, the consumer etc. It is a branch of economics that studies the economics variables of an economy as a Whole.
Deals with It deals with how consumer or the
producers make decisions depending on
their given budget and other variables.
It deals with how different economics sectors like households, industries and other government and foreign sectors make their decisions.
Method The method of partial equilibrium (i.e. equilibrium is one market) is used. The method of general equilibrium (i.e. equilibrium in all the markets, simultaneously) is used.
Variables The major variables involved are prices, consumers demand, wages, rent, profit, firms, revenue, cost etc. The major variables involved are aggregate demand, aggregate supply, inflation, unemployment, poverty, etc.

Various theories studied are:

1. Theory of consumers behaviour and demand
2. Theory of producers behaviour and supply
3. Theory of prices determination under different market conditions

Various theories studied are
1. Theory of national income
2. Theory of money
3. Theory of general price level
4. Theory of employment
5. Theory of international trade
Popularised by Alfred Marshal Keynes


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