What do you understand by G.S.T? How good is the system of G.S.T as compared to the old tax system? State its categories.
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Explain the relation between government deficit and government debt.
Give the relationship between the revenue deficit and the fiscal deficit.
Discuss the issue of deficit reduction.
Are fiscal deficits inflationary?
‘The fiscal deficit gives the borrowing requirement of the government’. Elucidate.
We suppose that C = 70 + 0.70Y D, I = 90, G = 100, T = 0.10Y (a) Find the equilibrium income. (b) What are tax revenues at equilibrium income? Does the government have a balanced budget?
In the above question, calculate the effect on output of a 10 per cent increase in transfers, and a 10 per cent increase in lump-sum taxes. Compare the effects of the two.
Does public debt impose a burden? Explain.
Explain why the tax multiplier is smaller in absolute value than the government expenditure multiplier.
Explain why public goods must be provided by the government.
What is marginal propensity to consume? How is it related to marginal propensity to save?
Differentiate between balance of trade and current account balance.
What are the four factors of production and what are the remunerations to each of these called?
What is a barter system? What are its drawbacks?
What is the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics?
What is the difference between ex ante investment and ex post investment?
What are official reserve transactions? Explain their importance in the balance of payments.
Why should the aggregate final expenditure of an economy be equal to the aggregate factor payments? Explain.
What are the main functions of money? How does money overcome the shortcomings of a barter system?
What are the important features of a capitalist economy?
In the above example, if exports change to X = 100, find the change in equilibrium income and the net export balance.
Are the concepts of demand for domestic goods and domestic demand for goods the same?
In a single day Raju, the barber, collects Rs 500 from haircuts; over this day, his equipment depreciates in value by Rs 50. Of the remaining Rs 450, Raju pays sales tax worth Rs 30, takes home Rs 200 and retains Rs 220 for improvement and buying of new equipment. He further pays Rs 20 as income tax from his income. Based on this information, complete Raju’s contribution to the following measures of income (a) Gross Domestic Product (b) NNP at market price (c) NNP at factor cost (d) Personal income (e) Personal disposable income.
Calculate the open economy multiplier with proportional taxes, T = tY, instead of lump-sum taxes as assumed in the text.
From the following data, calculate Personal Income and Personal Disposable Income.
Rs (crore)
(a) Net Domestic Product at factor cost 8,000
(b) Net Factor Income from abroad 200
(c) Undisbursed Profit 1,000
(d) Corporate Tax 500
(e) Interest Received by Households 1,500
(f) Interest Paid by Households 1,200
(g) Transfer Income 300
(h) Personal Tax 500
Explain ‘Paradox of Thrift’.
Differentiate between balance of trade and current account balance.
What is a barter system? What are its drawbacks?
Suppose C = 100 + 0.75Y D, I = 500, G = 750, taxes are 20 per cent of income, X = 150, M = 100 + 0.2Y . Calculate equilibrium income, the budget deficit or surplus and the trade deficit or surplus.
What is the difference between ex ante investment and ex post investment?