Class 11 History - Themes in World History - Chapter Nomadic Empires NCERT Solutions | Keeping the nomadic element of the Mongo

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th History - Themes in World History - Chapter Nomadic Empires. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 5: keeping the nomadic element of the mongol and bedo....
Question 5

Keeping the nomadic element of the Mongol and Bedouin societies in mind, how, in your opinion, did their respective historical experiences differ? What explanations would you suggest account for these differences?


Mongols were tribes in the steppes of central Asia, a diverse body of people linked by similarity in language to Tatars, Khitan and Manchus in east and Turkic tribes to the west. Bedouins were Arab tribes moving from dry to green desert in search of food and fodder for cattle. Some Mongols were pastoralists while
others were hunter-gatherers. On the other hand, Bedouins were pastoralists, agriculturists and traders because of central Islamic lands surrounded by seas from four sides. The steppes inhabitants usually produced no literature , so our knowledge of nomadic societies under Mongols are quite different and the Italian and Latin versions of Marco- Polo’s Travels to the Mongol Court do not match.

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