How satisfactory is a museum gallery display in explaining the culture of a people? Give examples from your own experience of a museum.
A museum gallery displays the culture of a people in the following ways:
1. In museum, we seek information regarding dialects and languages.
2. Remains of pots, apparels, ornaments and other things are displayed.
3. Books, research papers, survey reports and works of historians and archaeologists are kept in the gallery of museum.
4. Icons of the ancient periods, the theology in its basic forms and coins are also found in the
museum.In fact, the museum is a storehouse of all the things symbolizing cultures of human beings from prehistoric period to the present. These things display cultures of the respective periods.
Imagine an encounter in California in about 1880 between four people: a former African slave, a Chinese labourer, a German who had come out in the Gold Rush, and a native of the Hopi tribe, and narrate their conversation.
Other than the use of English, what other features of English economic and social life do you notice in 19th century USA?
Why was the history of the Australian native peoples left out of the history books?
Comment on any points of difference between the native peoples of South and North America.
What did the ‘frontier’ mean to the Americans?
Look at the diagram showing the positive feedback mechanism on page 13. Can you list the inputs that went into tool making? What were the processes that were strengthened by tool making?
Why do we say that it was not natural fertility and high levels of food production that were the causes of early urbanisation?
What were the features of the lives of the Bedouins in the early seventh century?
Why was trade so significant to the Mongols?
Describe two features of early feudal society in France.
Which elements of Greek and Roman culture were revived in the 14th and 15th centuries ?
Compare the civilization of the Aztecs with that of the Mesopotamians.
How did Britain’s involvement in wars from 1793 to 1815 affect British industries?
What were the major developments before the Meiji restoration that made it possible for Japan to modernise rapidly?
Humans and mammals such as monkeys and apes have certain similarities in behaviour and anatomy. This indicates that humans possibly evolved from apes. List these resemblances in two columns under the headings of (a) behaviour and (b) anatomy. Are there any differences that you think are noteworthy?
How were Islamic architectural forms different from those of the Roman Empire?
What were the interesting features of the inventions of this period?
What were the major developments before the Meiji restoration that made it possible for Japan to modernise rapidly?
Did Japan’s policy of rapid industrialization lead to wars with its neighbors and destruction of the environment?
Why were mobile animal herders not necessarily a threat to town life?
Why did Genghis Khan feel the need to fragment the Mongol tribes into new social and military groupings?
Indicate how the supply of raw materials affected the nature of British industrialization.
Write a careful account of how the world appeared different to seventeenth century Europeans.
How did Britain’s involvement in wars from 1793 to 1815 affect British industries?
How were the lives of different classes of British women affected by the Industrial Revolution?