What were the ideals expressed in the Objectives Resolution?
Jawahar Lai Nehru presented the Objectives Resolution in the Constituent Assembly on 13 December, 1946 . It gave a brief account of the ideals and objectives of the Constitution. These are following:
•India was declared an independent sovereign republic .
•Justice, equality and fraternity were assured to all the citizens of India.
•Adequate safeguards were provided to minorities. It also referred to the well-being of the backward and depressed classes.
•It was made an objective that India would combine the liberal ideas of democracy with the socialist idea of economic justice.
•India would adopt that form of government which would be acceptable to its people. No imposition from the British would be acceptable by the people of India.
•India would work for peace and human welfare
What historical forces shaped the vision of the Constitution?
What were the arguments in favour of greater power to the provinces?
How was the term minority defined by different groups?
How did the Constituent Assembly seek to resolve the language controversy?
Why did Mahatma Gandhi think Hindustani should be the national language?
Discuss the different arguments made in favour of protection of the oppressed groups.
What connection did some of the members of the Constituent Assembly make between the political situation of the time and the need for a strong Centre?
Why was the jotedar a powerful figure in many areas of rural Bengal?
Why did the mutinous sepoys in many places turn to erstwhile rulers to provide leadership to the revolt?
To what extent are census data useful in reconstructing patterns of urbanisation in the colonial context?
How did Mahatma Gandhi seek to identify with the common people?
What did the Muslim League demand through its resolution of 1940?
How did zamindars manage to retain control over their zamindaris?
Discuss the evidence that indicates planning and coordination on the part of the rebels.
What do the terms “White” and “Black” Town signify?
How was Mahatma Gandhi perceived by the peasants?
Why did some people think of Partition as a very sudden development?
How did prominent Indian merchants establish themselves in the colonial city?
How did the Congress come to change its views on Partition?
How did the American Civil War affect the lives of ryots in India?
What do visual representations tell us about the revolt of 1857? How do historians analyse these representations?
Why did the salt laws become an important issue of struggle?
How did ordinary people view Partition?
How did Mahatma Gandhi seek to identify with the common people?
How did the Paharias respond to the coming of outsiders?
How did women experience Partition?
What were the concerns that influenced town planning in the nineteenth century?