What do you think was the significance of the rituals associated with the mahanavami dibba?
The mahanavami Dibba was the King’s palace in Vijayanagara though there is no definite evidence. From the available source we can guess that it had very beautiful wooden structure with base of the platform was covered with relief carvings. The Mahanavami Dibba had a very impressive platform known as “the audience hall”. It was surrounded by high double walls a street running between them. Many rituals were associated with the Mahanavami dibba. Here the Hindu Festival Mahanavami or Navaratri were celebrated with a great pomp and show in the months of September-October. This festival continued for 9 days. The rulers of Vijayanagara Empire displayed their power, prestige and suzerainty. On this occasion several ceremonies were performed this included:
(i)Worship of the different gods and goddesses
(ii)Worship of the state horse.
(iii)The sacrifice of buffaloes and other animals.
(iv)The main attraction of this occasion were:
(b)Wrestling matches
(c)Processions of horses, elephants, chariots and soldiers.
All these ceremonies presented before the king and his guests. On the last day of the festival, the king inspected his army as well as the nayakas of the army. He also accepted gift from the nayakas.
Fig. 7.33 is an illustration of another pillar from the Virupaksha temple. Do you notice any floral motifs? What are the animals shown? Why do you think they are depicted? Describe the human figures shown.
How were the water requirements of Vijayanagara met?
On an outline map of the world, mark approximately Italy, Portugal, Iran and Russia. Trace the routes the travellers mentioned on p.176 would have taken to reach Vijayanagara.
Discuss whether the term “royal centre” is an appropriate description for the part of the city for which it is used.
What does the architecture of buildings like the Lotus Mahal and elephant stables tell us about the rulers who commissioned them?
What impression of the lives of the ordinary people of Vijayanagara can you cull from the various descriptions in the chapter?
What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of enclosing agricultural land within the fortified area of the city?
What have been the methods used to study the ruins of Hampi over the last two centuries? In what way do you think they would have complemented the information provided by the priests of the Virupaksha temple?
What are the architectural traditions that inspired the architects of Vijayanagara? How did they transform these traditions?
Write a note on the Kitab-ul-Hind.
What are the problems in using the Ain as a source for reconstructing agrarian history? How do historians deal with this situation?
Explain with examples what historians mean by the integration of cults.
Describe the process of manuscript production in the Mughal court.
Compare and contrast the perspectives from which Ibn Battuta and Bernier wrote their accounts of their travels in India.
To what extent is it possible to characterise agricultural production in the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries as subsistence agriculture? Give reasons for your answer.
To what extent do you think the architecture of mosques in the subcontinent reflects a combination of universal ideals and local traditions?
In what ways would the daily routine and special festivities associated with the Mughal court have conveyed a sense of the power of the emperor?
Discuss the picture of urban centres that emerges from Bernier’s account.
Describe the role played by women in agricultural production.
Describe the process of manuscript production in the Mughal court.
Analyse the evidence for slavery provided by Ibn Battuta.
Discuss the picture of urban centres that emerges from Bernier’s account.
On an outline map of India, plot three major sufi shrines, and three places associated with temples (one each of a form of Vishnu, Shiva and the goddess).
What were the concerns that shaped Mughal policies and attitudes towards regions outside the subcontinent?
Discuss Al-Biruni’s understanding of the caste system.
Analyse, with illustrations, why bhakti and sufi thinkers adopted a variety of languages in which to express their opinions.
Discuss, with examples, the significance of monetary transactions during the period under consideration.
Explain with examples what historians mean by the integration of cults.
How were the lives of forest dwellers transformed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?