List the raw materials required for craft production in the Harappan civilisation and discuss how these might have been obtained.
Following is the list of materials required for craft production in the Harappan Civilisation:
Stone, clay, copper, tin, bronze, gold, faience, shell, camelian, jasper, crystal, steatite, quartz, timber.
Some of the raw materials were locally available whereas some were purchased from the distant places. Soil and wood were locally available raw materials. Stones, fine quality wood, metals were procured from distant places. Settlements of the Harappans were situated at such places where raw materials were easily available. Nageshwar and Balacot were famous for shell. Some places were famous for Lapis Lazuli like Shortughai in Afghanistan. Rajasthan and Gujarat were famous for copper. Lothal was famous for chameleon.
Another way of obtaining raw material was sending expeditions to different places. Evidence shows that the expedition was sent to the Khetri region of Rajasthan for copper and to South India for Gold. Through these expeditions local communities were contacted. Harappan evidence found at these places indicate contacts between each other. Evidences found at Khetri region were given the name of Ganeshwar Jodhpura Culture by archaeologists. Huge reserves of copper products were found here. It is assumed that inhabitants of these areas sent copper to Harappan people.
Look at Fig. 1.30 and describe what you see. How is the body placed? What are the objects placed near it? Are there any artefacts on the body? Do these indicate the sex of the skeleton?
On Map 1, use a pencil to circle sites where evidence of agriculture has been recovered. Mark an X against sites where there is evidence of craft production and R against sites where raw materials were found.
Describe some of the distinctive features of Mohenjodaro.
List the materials used to make beads in the Harappan civilisation. Describe the process by which any one kind of bead was made.
List the items of food available to people in Harappan cities. Identify the groups who would have provided these.
Discuss how archaeologists reconstruct the past.
How do archaeologists trace socio-economic differences in Harappan society? What are the differences that they notice?
Discuss the functions that may have been performed by rulers in Harappan society.
Would you agree that the drainage system in Harappan cities indicates town planning? Give reasons for your answer.
Discuss the evidence of craft production in Early Historic cities. In what ways is this different from the evidence from Harappan cities?
Explain why patriliny may have been particularly important among elite families.
Were the ideas of the Upanishadic thinkers different from those of the fatalists and materialists? Give reasons for your answer.
Describe the salient features of mahajanapadas.
Discuss whether kings in early states were invariably Kshatriyas.
Summarise the central teachings of Jainism.
How do historians reconstruct the lives of ordinary people?
Compare and contrast the dharma or norms mentioned in the stories of Drona, Hidimba and Matanga.
Discuss the role of the begums of Bhopal in preserving the stupa at Sanchi.
Compare and contrast the list of things given to the Pandyan chief (Source 3) with those produced in the village of Danguna (Source 8). Do you notice any similarities or differences?
Why do you think women and men joined the sangha?
Summarise the central teachings of Jainism.
Discuss the evidence that suggests that Brahmanical prescriptions about kinship and marriage were not universally followed.
How do historians reconstruct the lives of ordinary people?
In what ways was the Buddhist theory of a social contract different from the Brahmanical view of society derived from the Purusha sukta?
To what extent does knowledge of Buddhist literature help in understanding the sculpture at Sanchi?
Figs. 4.32 and 4.33 are two scenes from Sanchi. Describe what you see in each of them, focusing on the architecture, plants and animals, and the activities. Identify which one shows a rural scene and which an urban scene, giving reasons for your answer.
Discuss the evidence of craft production in Early Historic cities. In what ways is this different from the evidence from Harappan cities?
Discuss the role of the begums of Bhopal in preserving the stupa at Sanchi.
Discuss how and why stupas were built.