Class 9 English - Moments - Chapter The Beggar NCERT Solutions | Sergei says, “I am happy that my w

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th English - Moments - Chapter The Beggar. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 4: sergei says ldquo i am happy that my words have....
Question 4

Sergei says, “I am happy that my words have taken effect.” 5Why does he say so? Is he right in saying this?


When lushkoff worked for sergei for the very first time, he wasn’t interested in work. But later, lushkoff developed a willingness to work after chopping wood for sergei and helping her in moving the houses. Seeing him work, sergai was satisfied that his advice brought lushkoff on the right path and he would not have to beg again for a living. If sergai had not helped lushkoff, he can be found lied on the streets begging drinking alcohol.

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