Class 11 English - Hornbill - Chapter We're Not Afraid to Die... if We Can All Be Together NCERT Solutions | List the steps taken by the captain (i)

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th English - Hornbill - Chapter We're Not Afraid to Die... if We Can All Be Together. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 1: list the steps taken by the captain i to protec....
Question 1

List the steps taken by the captain
(i) to protect the ship when rough weather began.
(ii) to check the flooding of the water in the ship.


(i)To save themselves from waves on 2nd January; they tried to slow the ship,by removing the storm jib, and lashing a rope at stern. Then, they lasher everything. Checked life-raft drill, put oilskins, and life jackets, and waited.

(ii)When the captain came at deck he saw that Larry and Herb was already pumping out the water. Then the captain took out the canvas and started blocking or covering the holes from where the water is coming on the deck so that the chances of sinking of ship could be reduced. Their electric pump circuit was short circuited, but he remembered that they had another electric pump, and it worked after connecting it to the pipe.

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