Class 9 English - Beehive - Chapter The Snake and The Mirror NCERT Solutions | II. This story about a frightening incid

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th English - Beehive - Chapter The Snake and The Mirror. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 2: ii this story about a frightening incident is nar....
Question 2

II. This story about a frightening incident is narrated in a humorous way. What makes it humorous? (Think of the contrasts it presents between dreams and reality. Some of them are listed below.)
1. (i) The kind of person the doctor is (money, possessions)
    (ii) The kind of person he wants to be (appearance, ambition) 

2. (i) The person he wants to marry
   (ii) The person he actually marries

3. (i) His thoughts when he looks into the mirror
    (ii) His thoughts when the snake is coiled around his arm
Write short paragraphs on each of these to get your answer.


1. (i) The doctor isn't a rich person. He hardly has money in his house and lives in house without the electricity. It is a small room for which he rented that also had plenty of rats living in it. He has just initiated his medical practice. So, he is not a man of possessions or money.
(ii) He wanna be rich. He also dreams of having a good appearance and a well personality. That’s why he decides to shave and grow a thin moustache.

2. (i) The doctor wanna get married to a lady doctor with a good medical practice and a lot of money. He wants her to be fatty so that she couldn’t run after him and catch him.
(ii) In actual, he marries a thin reedy woman who has a gift to sprinter.

3. (i) His thoughts are full of joy and satisfaction. He decided to shave and also grow thin moustache and to always keep smiling. He finds his smile very attractive.
(ii) He turned into a stone and sat like stone image in the flesh. He didn’t shake or cry out at all. However, his mind was still very active. He felt the creator's presence. He decides to write the words ‘O God’ outside his little heart.

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