Suppose you are from a poor family and you wish to get help from the government to set up a petty shop. Under which scheme will you apply for assistance and why?
For setting up a pet shop, I would apply for financial assistance under the programme of Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana(PMRY). Under this programme, an unemployed educated person from a low-income family in rural and urban areas can set up any kind of enterprise that can generate employment.
Is there any relationship between unemployment and poverty? Explain.
Illustrate the difference between rural and urban poverty. Is it correct to say that poverty has shifted from rural to urban areas? Use the trends in poverty ratio to support your answer.
What programmes has the government adopted to help the elderly people and poor and destitute women?
The three dimensional attack on poverty adopted by the govern-ment has not succeded in poverty alleviation in India. Comment.
Why calorie-based norm is not adequate to identify the poor?
Why are employment generation programmes important in poverty alleviation in India?
How can creation of income earning assets address the problem of poverty?
Suppose you are a resident of a village, suggest a few measures to tackle the problem of poverty.
What is meant by ‘Food for Work’ programme?
What was the focus of the economic policies pursued by the colonial government in India? What were the impacts of these policies?
What are the two major sources of human capital in a country?
What do you mean by rural development? Bring out the key issues in rural development.
Define a plan?
Who is a worker?
Explain the term ‘infrastructure’.
What is meant by environment?
Why are regional and economic groupings formed?
Why were reforms introduced in India?
Name some notable economists who estimated India’s per capita income during the colonial period?
How is RBI controlling the commercial banks?
Explain the statement that the green revolution enabled the government to procure sufficient food grains to build its stocks that could be used during times of shortage.
Why are regional and economic groupings formed?
What is marketable surplus?
What were the main causes of India’s agricultural stagnation during the colonial period?
Do you think various measures taken by the government to improve agricultural marketing are sufficient? Discuss.
Evaluate the various factors that led to the rapid growth in economic development in China.
Why, despite the implementation of the green revolution, 65 percent of our population continued to be engaged in the agriculture sector till 1990?
Compare and contrast the development of India, China and Pakistan with respect to some salient human development indicators.
Compared to urban women, more rural women are found working. Why?