Explain the term ‘infrastructure’.
The term infrastructure refers to the underlying tangible and organisational structures that are essential for the smooth and prosperous functioning of an economy. In other words, infrastructure is regarded as a core support system that enables an economy to grow and develop. Generally, the term infrastructure means technical structure such as roads, transport, communication, bridges, dams, power, public institutions like schools, hospitals, etc. These structures not only serve as basic input for various economic activities like production, investment, but also enable an economy to break the shackles of traditional and primitive social structures and customs. The difference between a developed country and an underdeveloped country can be mainly attributed to the lack of sufficient and technically advanced infrastructure in the latter. Infrastructure has two-fold benefits- as an input and as a support system. Infrastructure as an input (roads, bank and power) facilitates the production process and attracts investment from domestic as well as from foreign investors. Infrastructure as a support system (such as schools, hospital) develops the quality of human capital by imparting quality and technical education and health facilities. This raises the standard and quality of living and helps the economy to eradicate major economic problems like poverty, unemployment and inequality. Hence, it can be concluded that the presence of quality and sufficient infrastructure is a necessary and sufficient condition for accomplishing economic growth and development.
Infrastructure contributes to the economic development of a country. Do you agree? Explain.
Discuss the main drawbacks of our health care system.
What are the various non-commercial sources of energy?
What is the significance of ‘energy’? Differentiate between commercial and non-commercial sources of energy.
How do infrastructure facilities boost production?
What is the state of rural infrastructure in India?
What is a ‘global burden of disease’?
Describe the meaning of public health. Discuss the major public health measures undertaken by the state in recent years to control diseases.
Explain the two categories into which infrastructure is divided. How are both interdependent?
How are the rates of consumption of energy and economic growth connected?
What was the focus of the economic policies pursued by the colonial government in India? What were the impacts of these policies?
What are the two major sources of human capital in a country?
What do you mean by rural development? Bring out the key issues in rural development.
Define a plan?
Who is a worker?
What is meant by environment?
Why are regional and economic groupings formed?
Why were reforms introduced in India?
Why calorie-based norm is not adequate to identify the poor?
Name some notable economists who estimated India’s per capita income during the colonial period?
Do you think the navaratna policy of the government helps in improving the performance of public sector undertakings in India? How?
What do you understand by devaluation of rupee?
What is marketable surplus?
Distinguish between the following
(i) Strategic and Minority sale
(ii) Bilateral and Multi-lateral trade
(iii) Tariff and Non-tariff barriers.
Explain the need and type of land reforms implemented in the agriculture sector.
Find the odd man out (i) owner of a saloon (ii) a cobbler (iii) a cashier in Mother Dairy (iv) a tuition master (v) transport operator (vi) construction worker.
Do you think outsourcing is good for India? Why are developed countries opposing it?
Comment on the growth rate trends witnessed in China and India in the last two decades.
Is environmental crisis a recent phenomenon? If so, why?
Match the following:
1. Prime Minister 3. Quota 4. Land Reforms 5. HYV Seeds 6. Subsidy |
A. Seeds that give large proportion of output C. Chairperson of the planning commission D. The money value of all the final goods and services produced within the economy in one year. E. Improvements in the field of agriculture to increase its productivity F. The monetary assistance given by government for production activities. |