Class 11 Economics - Indian Economic Development - Chapter Environment and Sustainable Development NCERT Solutions | Account for the current environmental cr

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Economics - Indian Economic Development - Chapter Environment and Sustainable Development. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 15: account for the current environmental crisis....
Question 15

Account for the current environmental crisis.


The population explosion and affluent consumption have placed an undue and excess burden on the environment. The resources are increasingly exhausted day by day, but the regeneration of resources is constant. So, when the resources are extracted at a rapid pace than its regeneration, then the carrying capacity of the environment reduces. Then the environment fails to perform its function of sustaining life, consequently, resulting in an environmental crisis. The current environmental crises include two major global issues, namely, global warming and ozone depletion. Global warming is the result of rising temperature globally due to the emission of greenhouse gases, especially, carbon dioxide. The rise in temperature accelerates the melting of polar ice leading to the rise of water level in the sea. This leads to ecological imbalances. Ozone depletion is another major concern that is caused due to the excessive use of chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) in the air conditioners and refrigerators. As ozone depletes, the possibility of ultraviolet radiations penetrating into earth surface increases, posing a threat to the living organisms. The culminating effect of these two accounts for major concern of the environmental crisis in the present time.

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