Classify the following into renewable and non-renewable resources
(i) trees (ii) fish (iii) petroleum (iv) coal (v) iron-ore (vi) water
Renewable resources are those inexhaustible resources capable of being replenished easily. Water, trees and fish are the renewable resources.
Non-renewable resources are those resources that are likely to be exhausted or depleted on use. Petroleum, coal and iron ore are non-renewable resources. The pace of re-occurrence of these resources is slower than that of their exploitation.
What are the functions of the environment?
Highlight any two serious adverse environmental consequences of development in India. India’s environmental problems pose a dichotomy — they are poverty induced and, at the same time, due to affluence in living standards — is this true?
Explain the supply-demand reversal of environmental resources.
What happens when the rate of resource extraction exceeds that of their regeneration?
India has abundant natural resources —substantiate the statement.
Give two instances of
(a) Overuse of environmental resources
(b) Misuse of environmental resources.
Is environmental crisis a recent phenomenon? If so, why?
Identify six factors contributing to land degradation in India.
Explain the relevance of intergenerational equity in the definition of sustainable development.
How do the following factors contribute to the environmental crisis in India? What problem do they pose for the government?
(i) Rising population
(ii) Air pollution
(iii) Water contamination
(iv) Affluent consumption standards
(v) Illiteracy
(vi) Industrialisation
(vii) Urbanisation
(viii) Reduction of forest coverage
(ix) Poaching
(x) Global warming
What was the focus of the economic policies pursued by the colonial government in India? What were the impacts of these policies?
What are the two major sources of human capital in a country?
What do you mean by rural development? Bring out the key issues in rural development.
Define a plan?
Who is a worker?
Explain the term ‘infrastructure’.
Why are regional and economic groupings formed?
Why were reforms introduced in India?
Why calorie-based norm is not adequate to identify the poor?
Name some notable economists who estimated India’s per capita income during the colonial period?
Group the following features pertaining to the economies of India, China and Pakistan under three heads
• One-child norm
• Low fertility rate
• High degree of urbanisation
• Mixed economy
• Very high fertility rate
• Large population
• High density of population
• Growth due to manufacturing sector
• Growth due to service sector.
Were there any positive contributions made by the British in India? Discuss.
Is there any relationship between unemployment and poverty? Explain.
Explain the term ‘infrastructure’.
Differentiate the six systems of Indian medicine.
What do you mean by agricultural marketing?
An establishment with four hired workers is known as (formal/informal) sector establishment.
Are the following workers — a beggar, a thief, a smuggler, a gambler? Why?
Compare and contrast the development of India, China and Pakistan with respect to some salient human development indicators.
Comment on the growth rate trends witnessed in China and India in the last two decades.