Classify the following solids in different categories based on the nature of intermolecular forces operating in them:
Potassium sulphate, tin, benzene, urea, ammonia, water, zinc sulphide, graphite, rubidium, argon, silicon carbide.
Potassium sulphate → Ionic bond is formed, wherein potassium loses electrons & sulphate gains electrons.
Tin → Tin can form two ions Sn 2+ or Sn 4+ now depending on what form it is in and what other element it is bonding with then only the type of bonding will be known.
Benzene → It comprises of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms which makes covalent bond with each other by mutual sharing and pairing of electrons.
Urea → Polar molecular solid and they mostly forms hydrogen bond with other atoms.
Ammonia → Covalently bonded polar compound formed by mutual sharing and pairing of electrons between nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms.
Water → Covalently bonded polar compound formed by mutual sharing of electrons between oxygen and hydrogen atoms.
Zinc sulphide → It exist in the form of crystals and makes coordination bond.
Graphite → It consist of carbon atoms and have covalent bond between them forming a 2-D (flat, planar etc.) network, which in itself is strong. These planes are then held together by London Forces, which are very weak.
Rubidium → Metallic bond is formed by rubidium because it is a metal. Metallic bond is hydride of covalent bond and ionic bond.
Argon → Non-polar molecular solid
Silicon carbide → Covalent or network solid
If NaCl is doped with 10-3mol % of SrCl2, what is the concentration of cation vacancies?
A cubic solid is made of two elements P and Q. Atoms of Q are at the corners of the cube and P at the body-centre. What is the formula of the compound? What are the coordination numbers of P and Q?
An element with molar mass 2.7 x 10-2kg mol-1 forms a cubic unit cell with edge length 405 pm. If its density is 2.7 x 103 kg m-3, what is the nature of the cubic unit cell?
Copper crystallises into a fcc lattice with edge length 3.61 x 10-8cm. Show that the calculated density is in agreement with its measured value of 8.92 g cm-3.
A compound is formed by two elements M and N. The element N forms ccp and atoms of M occupy 1/3rd of tetrahedral voids. What is the formula of the compound?
Aluminium crystallises in a cubic close-packed structure. Its metallic radius is 125 pm.
(i) What is the length of the side of the unit cell?
(ii) How many unit cells are there in 1.00 cm3of aluminium?
Analysis shows that nickel oxide has the formula Ni0.98 O1.00. What fractions of nickel exist as Ni2+and Ni3+ions?
Distinguish between
(i)Hexagonal and monoclinic unit cells
(ii) Face-centred and end-centred unit cells.
Solid A is a very hard electrical insulator in solid as well as in molten state and melts at extremely high temperature. What type of solid is it?
Ionic solids, which have anionic vacancies due to metal excess defect, develop colour. Explain with the help of a suitable example.
For the reaction R → P, the concentration of a reactant changes from 0.03 M to 0.02 M in 25 minutes. Calculate the average rate of reaction using units of time both in minutes and seconds.
Write the formulas for the following coordination compounds:
(i) Tetraamminediaquacobalt (III) chloride
(ii) Potassium tetracyanonickelate(II)
(iii) Tris(ethane-1,2-diamine) chromium(III) chloride
(iv) Amminebromidochloridonitrito-N-platinate(II)
(v) Dichloridobis(ethane-1,2-diamine)platinum(IV) nitrate
(vi) Iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)
(i) Write structures of different isomeric amines corresponding to the molecular formula, C4H11N
(ii) Write IUPAC names of all the isomers.
(iii) What type of isomerism is exhibited by different pairs of amines?
Write any two characteristics of Chemisorption.
Write the structures of the following compounds.
(i) α-Methoxypropionaldehyde
(ii) 3-Hydroxybutanal
(iii) 2-Hydroxycyclopentane carbaldehyde
(iv) 4-Oxopentanal
(v) Di-sec-butyl ketone
(vi) 4-Fluoroacetophenone
Which of the ores mentioned in Table 6.1 can be concentrated by magnetic separation method?
Why are pentahalides more covalent than trihalides?
Silver atom has completely filled d orbitals (4d10) in its ground state. How can you say that it is a transition element?
Glucose or sucrose are soluble in water but cyclohexane or benzene (simple six membered ring compounds) are insoluble in water. Explain.
Write structures of the following compounds:
(i) 2-Chloro-3-methylpentane
(ii) 1-Chloro-4-ethylcyclohexane
(iii) 4-tert. Butyl-3-iodoheptane
(iv) 1,4-Dibromobut-2-ene
(v) 1-Bromo-4-sec. butyl-2-methylbenzene
For a first order reaction, show that time required for 99% completion is twice the time required for the completion of 90% of reaction.
Suggest two materials other than hydrogen that can be used as fuels in fuel cells.
How is SO2 an air pollutant?
Calculate the potential of hydrogen electrode in contact with a solution whose pH is 10.
Explain why inspite of nearly the same electronegativity, oxygen forms hydrogen bonding while chlorine does not.
Explain why fluorine forms only one oxoacid, HOF.
Sea is the greatest source of some halogens. Comment.
How the following conversions can be carried out?
(i) Propene to propan-1-ol
(ii) Ethanol to but-1-yne
(iii) 1-Bromopropane to 2-bromopropane
(iv) Toluene to benzyl alcohol
(v) Benzene to 4-bromonitrobenzene
(vi) Benzyl alcohol to 2-phenylethanoic acid
(vii) Ethanol to propanenitrile
(viii) Aniline to chlorobenzene
(ix) 2-Chlorobutane to 3, 4-dimethylhexane
(x) 2-Methyl-1-propene to 2-chloro-2-methylpropane
(xi) Ethyl chloride to propanoic acid
(xii) But-1-ene to n-butyliodide
(xiii) 2-Chloropropane to 1-propanol
(xiv) Isopropyl alcohol to iodoform
(xv) Chlorobenzene to p-nitrophenol
(xvi) 2-Bromopropane to 1-bromopropane
(xvii) Chloroethane to butane
(xviii) Benzene to diphenyl
(xix) tert-Butyl bromide to isobutyl bromide
(xx) Aniline to phenylisocyanide
How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce
(i) 20.0 g of Ca from molten CaCl2.
(ii) 40.0 g of Al from molten Al2O3.
Which of the following does not react with oxygen directly?
Zn, Ti, Pt, Fe
I m still confused about tin
tin mostly forms metallic bond with other atoms & because it exist in two oxidation states ,the metallic bonds so formed will be of different nature depending upon the oxidation state of tin. zinc sulphide shows polymorphism & exists in the form of crystals where they form coordination bond with other atoms.Coordination bond is one of the type of covalent bond where the bond is formed by sharing of electrons coming from form same atom only i.e the electrons involved in bonding comes from one of the atom & not from both of the atoms .
Still confused about zinc sulphide and tin....lil more help plz!