Class 11 Chemistry - Chapter The p Block Elements NCERT Solutions | (a) Classify following oxides as neutral

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Chemistry - Chapter The p Block Elements. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 26: a classify following oxides as neutral acidic....
Question 26

(a) Classify following oxides as neutral, acidic, basic or amphoteric:

CO, B2O3, SiO2, CO2, Al2O3, PbO2, Tl2O3

(b) Write suitable chemical equations to show their nature.


(1) CO = Neutral


(2) B2O3 = Acidic

Being acidic, it reacts with bases to form salts. It reacts with NaOH to form sodium metaborate.

B2O3  +  2NaOH   →   2NaBO2  +   H2O


(3) SiO2 = Acidic

Being acidic, it reacts with bases to form salts. It reacts with NaOH to form sodium silicate.

SiO2  +  2NaOH   →   2Na2SiO3  +   H2O


(4) CO2 = Acidic

Being acidic, it reacts with bases to form salts. It reacts with NaOH to form sodium carbonate.

CO2  +  2NaOH   →   2Na2CO3  +   H2O


(5) Al2O3 = Amphoteric

Amphoteric substances react with both acids and bases. Al2O3 reacts with both NaOH and H2SO4.

Al2O3 +  2NaOH   →   NaAIO2 

Al2O3 + 3H2SO4    →   Al2(SO4)3 +  3H2O


(6) PbO2 = Amphoteric

Amphoteric substances react with both acids and bases. PbO2 reacts with both NaOH and H2SO4.

PbO2  +  2NaOH   →   Na2PbO3  +   H2O

PbO2 + 2H2SO4    →   2PbSO4 +  2H2O +O2


(7) Tl2O3 = Basic

Being basic, it reacts with acids to form salts. It reacts with HCl to form thallium chloride.

Tl2O+  6HCl  →   2TlCl3 + 3H2O

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