What do you mean by activity and selectivity of catalysts?
(a) Activity of a catalyst:
The activity of a catalyst is its ability to increase the rate of a particular reaction. Chemisorption is the main factor in deciding the activity of a catalyst. The adsorption of reactants on the catalyst surface should be neither too strong nor too weak. It should just be strong enough to make the catalyst active.
(b) Selectivity of the catalyst:
The ability of the catalyst to direct a reaction to yield a particular product is referred to as the selectivity of the catalyst. For example, by using different catalysts, we can get different products for the reaction between H2 and CO.
Explain what is observed
(i) When a beam of light is passed through a colloidal sol.
(ii) An electrolyte, NaCl is added to hydrated ferric oxide sol.
(iii) Electric current is passed through a colloidal sol?
Why is adsorption always exothermic?
What modification can you suggest in the Hardy-Schulze law?
Explain the following terms:
(i) Electrophoresis
(ii) Coagulation
(iii) Dialysis
(iv) Tyndall effect.
What is an adsorption isotherm? Describe Freundlich adsorption isotherm.
Explain the terms with suitable examples:
(i) Alcosol
(ii) Aerosol
(iii) Hydrosol
How are colloids classified on the basis of
(i) Physical states of components
(ii) Nature of dispersion medium and
(iii) Interaction between dispersed phase and dispersion medium?
Discuss the effect of pressure and temperature on the adsorption of gases on solids.
Why does physisorption decrease with the increase of temperature
What are the factors which influence the adsorption of a gas on a solid?
For the reaction R → P, the concentration of a reactant changes from 0.03 M to 0.02 M in 25 minutes. Calculate the average rate of reaction using units of time both in minutes and seconds.
Write the formulas for the following coordination compounds:
(i) Tetraamminediaquacobalt (III) chloride
(ii) Potassium tetracyanonickelate(II)
(iii) Tris(ethane-1,2-diamine) chromium(III) chloride
(iv) Amminebromidochloridonitrito-N-platinate(II)
(v) Dichloridobis(ethane-1,2-diamine)platinum(IV) nitrate
(vi) Iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)
(i) Write structures of different isomeric amines corresponding to the molecular formula, C4H11N
(ii) Write IUPAC names of all the isomers.
(iii) What type of isomerism is exhibited by different pairs of amines?
Why are solids rigid?
Write the structures of the following compounds.
(i) α-Methoxypropionaldehyde
(ii) 3-Hydroxybutanal
(iii) 2-Hydroxycyclopentane carbaldehyde
(iv) 4-Oxopentanal
(v) Di-sec-butyl ketone
(vi) 4-Fluoroacetophenone
Which of the ores mentioned in Table 6.1 can be concentrated by magnetic separation method?
Why are pentahalides more covalent than trihalides?
Silver atom has completely filled d orbitals (4d10) in its ground state. How can you say that it is a transition element?
Glucose or sucrose are soluble in water but cyclohexane or benzene (simple six membered ring compounds) are insoluble in water. Explain.
Write structures of the following compounds:
(i) 2-Chloro-3-methylpentane
(ii) 1-Chloro-4-ethylcyclohexane
(iii) 4-tert. Butyl-3-iodoheptane
(iv) 1,4-Dibromobut-2-ene
(v) 1-Bromo-4-sec. butyl-2-methylbenzene
Classify the following as amorphous or crystalline solids:
Polyurethane, naphthalene, benzoic acid, teflon, potassium nitrate, cellophane, polyvinyl chloride, fibre glass, copper.
Write chemical reaction for the preparation of phenol from chlorobenzene.
Non-stoichiometric cuprous oxide, Cu2O can be prepared in laboratory. In this oxide, copper to oxygen ratio is slightly less than 2:1. Can you account for the fact that this substance is a p-type semiconductor?
Explain how vacancies are introduced in an ionic solid when a cation of higher valence is added as an impurity in it.
Arrange the following in increasing order of their basic strength:
(i) C2H5NH2, C6H5NH2, NH3, C6H5CH2NH2 and (C2H5)2NH
(ii) C2H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, (C2H5)3N, C6H5NH2
(iii) CH3NH2, (CH3)2NH, (CH3)3N, C6H5NH2, C6H5CH2NH2.
Among the isomeric alkanes of molecular formula C5H12, identify the one that on photochemical chlorination yields
(i) A single monochloride.
(ii) Three isomeric monochlorides.
(iii) Four isomeric monochlorides.
Name the following compounds according to IUPAC system.
What is the two dimensional coordination number of a molecule in square close packed layer?
Ferric oxide crystallises in a hexagonal close-packed array of oxide ions with two out of every three octahedral holes occupied by ferric ions. Derive the formula of the ferric oxide.
Distinguish between
(i)Hexagonal and monoclinic unit cells
(ii) Face-centred and end-centred unit cells.
Nice site it helps me a lot
Very good site, I understand easily
Good site. It is helping me every time .
Good site
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Awesome my favourite site
very nice answer ððð helpfully site and Understood question