Class 11 Chemistry - Chapter Equilibrium NCERT Solutions | Explain why pure liquids and solids can

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Chemistry - Chapter Equilibrium. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 7: explain why pure liquids and solids can be ignored....
Question 7

Explain why pure liquids and solids can be ignored while writing the equilibrium constant expression?


: For a pure substance (both solids and liquids),

Pure Substance  = Number of moles  /  Volume

                         = Mass/Molecular Mass / Volume

                         = Mass /  Volume x Molecular Mass

                         = Density /  Molecular Mass

Now, the molecular mass and density (at a particular temperature) of a pure substance is always fixed and is accounted for the equilibrium constant. Therefore, the values of pure substances are not mentioned in the equilibrium constant expression.

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