Can you use soaps and synthetic detergents to check the hardness of water?
Soaps get precipitated in hard water, but not in soft water. Therefore, soaps can be used for checking the hardness of water.
However, synthetic detergents do not get precipitated either in hard water or in soft water. Therefore, synthetic detergents cannot be used for checking the hardness of water.
Why do soaps not work in hard water?
Explain the following terms with suitable examples
(i) cationic detergents
(ii) anionic detergents and
(iii) non-ionic detergents.
What are food preservatives ?
Sleeping pills are recommended by doctors to the patients suffering from sleeplessness but it is not advisable to take its doses without consultation with the doctor, Why?
How do antiseptics differ from disinfectants ? Give one example of each.
Why is use of aspartame limited to cold foods and drinks?
What are the main constituents of dettol?
With reference to which classification has the statement, ranitidine is an antacid been given?
Write the chemical equation for preparing sodium soap from glyceryl oleate and glyceryl palmitate. Structural formulae of these compounds are given below.
(i) (C15H31COO)3 C3H5 - Glyceryl palmitate
(ii)(C17H33COO)3 C3H5 - Glyceryl oleate
Name a substance which can be used as an antiseptic as well as disinfectant.
For the reaction R → P, the concentration of a reactant changes from 0.03 M to 0.02 M in 25 minutes. Calculate the average rate of reaction using units of time both in minutes and seconds.
Write the formulas for the following coordination compounds:
(i) Tetraamminediaquacobalt (III) chloride
(ii) Potassium tetracyanonickelate(II)
(iii) Tris(ethane-1,2-diamine) chromium(III) chloride
(iv) Amminebromidochloridonitrito-N-platinate(II)
(v) Dichloridobis(ethane-1,2-diamine)platinum(IV) nitrate
(vi) Iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)
(i) Write structures of different isomeric amines corresponding to the molecular formula, C4H11N
(ii) Write IUPAC names of all the isomers.
(iii) What type of isomerism is exhibited by different pairs of amines?
Why are solids rigid?
Write any two characteristics of Chemisorption.
Write the structures of the following compounds.
(i) α-Methoxypropionaldehyde
(ii) 3-Hydroxybutanal
(iii) 2-Hydroxycyclopentane carbaldehyde
(iv) 4-Oxopentanal
(v) Di-sec-butyl ketone
(vi) 4-Fluoroacetophenone
Which of the ores mentioned in Table 6.1 can be concentrated by magnetic separation method?
Why are pentahalides more covalent than trihalides?
Silver atom has completely filled d orbitals (4d10) in its ground state. How can you say that it is a transition element?
Glucose or sucrose are soluble in water but cyclohexane or benzene (simple six membered ring compounds) are insoluble in water. Explain.
Write down the number of 3d electrons in each of the following ions:
Ti2+, V2+, Cr3+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, CO2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+.
Indicate how would you expect the five 3d orbitals to be occupied for these hydrated ions (octahedral).
A hydrocarbon C5H10 does not react with chlorine in dark but gives a single monochloro compound C5H9Cl in bright sunlight. Identify the hydrocarbon.
Compare the chemistry of actinoids with that of the lanthanoids with specialreference to:
(i) electronic configuration
(ii) atomic and ionic sizes
(iii) oxidation stateand
(iv) chemical reactivity.
Describe the preparation of potassium permanganate. How does the acidifiedpermanganate solution react with
(i) iron
(II) ions
(ii) SO2 and
(iii) oxalic acid?
Write the ionic equations for the reactions.
Give examples and suggest reasons for the following features of the transition metal chemistry:
(i)The lowest oxide of transition metal is basic, the highest is amphoteric/acidic.
(ii)A transition metal exhibits highest oxidation state in oxides and fluorides.
(iii) The highest oxidation state is exhibited in oxoanions of a metal.
Write structures of different dihalogen derivatives of propane.
Classify the following as addition and condensation polymers: Terylene, Bakelite, Polyvinyl chloride, Polythene.
Name the oxometal anions of the first series of the transition metals in which the metal exhibits the oxidation state equal to its group number.
What may be the stable oxidation state of the transition element with the following d electron configurations in the ground state of their atoms :
3d3, 3d5, 3d8 and 3d4?
In what way is the electronic configuration of the transition elements different from that of the non-transition elements?
These answers and all the others are well exlained..... Thanks