Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Principles of Management NCERT Solutions | Discuss the differences between the cont

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Principles of Management. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 3 , Question 5: discuss the differences between the contributions....
Question 5

Discuss the differences between the contributions of Taylor and Fayol.

Basis of Difference Taylor's Cintributions Fayol's Contributions
Perspective Shop floor level of a factory. Top level of management.
Contrbution Scientific management theory was given by Taylor in 1911. General theory of administration was given by Fayol in 1916.
Personality Taylor was mechanical engineer (scientist). Fayol was a mining engineer (practitioner).
Applicability Applicable to specialised situations. Applicable universally.
Basis of formation Observation and experimentation. Personal experience.
Title Taylor is called 'Father of scientific management'. Fayol is called 'Father of General Management.'


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