Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Principles of Management NCERT Solutions | Explain the technique of ‘Function

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Principles of Management. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 3 , Question 3: explain the technique of lsquo functional foreman....
Question 3

Explain the technique of ‘Functional Foremanship’ and the concept of ‘Mental Revolution’ as enunciated by Taylor.


The foreman represents the managerial figure with whom the workers are in direct contact on a daily basis. In this technique Taylor suggests the separation of planning and execution functions. And through this technique the workers are free from planning functions and are more focused on work and production. Functional foremanship is the extension of the principle of division of work and specialization to the shop floor. In the factory there was a planning incharge and a production incharge and each department had four functional experts to supervise and give orders to workers. Under planning incharge the four personnel are instruction card clerk, route clerk, time and cost clerk and a disciplinarian. And under production incharge the four personnel are speed boss, gang boss, repair boss and inspector. The foreman should have intelligence, education, tact, grit, special knowledge, manual dexterity, energy and honesty. But all these qualities could not be found in a single person so Taylor eight specialists and assigned them work according to their qualification and qualities.

Mental Revolution

Mental revolution means to change in the attitude of workers as well as the management towards one another from competition to cooperation. Both should realize that they require each one another. And both should work in the aim to achieve the goal of the organization by achieving more surpluses. And the management should share the surplus with the workers and they should also give their best for the betterment of the company and should not make any illegal demand with the management so that the company can achieve their goal and maximum profit. And this attitude will be good for both of them and for the company also. In this technique Taylor emphasizes drastically changing the attitude of both the groups for prosperity of the business.

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