Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Principles of Management NCERT Solutions | Examine the relevance of Taylor’s

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Principles of Management. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Extra Questions, Question 8: examine the relevance of taylor rsquo s scientific....
Question 8

Examine the relevance of Taylor’s scientific management principles in the service sector.


While Taylor’s principles were primarily designed for manufacturing industries, they also hold relevance in the service sector. For instance, the principle of 'Science, Not Rule of Thumb' can be applied in areas such as customer service, where processes like handling customer queries can be standardized to improve response times and service quality. Similarly, ‘Development of Workers to Their Fullest Potential’ encourages continual employee training, a key factor in industries like healthcare, hospitality, and IT. However, the service sector requires a more flexible approach to adapt to rapidly changing customer needs, which Taylor’s somewhat rigid framework may not fully address.

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