Planning reduces creativity. Critically comment.(Hint: both the points - Planning promotes innovative ideas and planning reduces creativity – will be given).
Planning is a very important and challenging function because it provides direction and reduces the risk of uncertainty by preparing forecasts. It is an intellectual process which involves finding better ideas and better methods to perform a particular job. And the planning process is carried out by the top management level and the rest of the members just implement these plans.
They are neither allowed to take part in the planning process nor permitted to act on their own. And this leads to reduction in creativity and innovation.
What are the steps taken by management in the planning process?
How does planning provide direction?
Why is it that organisations are not always able to accomplish all their objectives?
An auto company C Ltd. is facing a problem of declining market share due to increased competition from other new and existing players in the market. Its competitors are introducing lower priced models for mass consumers who are price sensitive. C Ltd. realized that it needs to take steps immediately to improve its market standing in the future. For quality conscious consumers, C Limited plans to introduce new models with added features and new technological advancements. The company has formed a team with representatives from all the levels of management. This team will brainstorm and will determine the steps that will be adopted by the organisation for implementing the above strategy. Explain the features of Planning highlighted in the situation given below. (Hint: Planning is pervasive, Planning is futuristic and Planning is a mental exercise).
In an attempt to cope with Reliance Jio’s onslaught in 2018, market leader Bharti Airtel has refreshed its ₹ 149 prepaid plan to offer 2 GB of 3G/4G data per day, twice the amount it offered earlier. Name the type of plan is highlighted in the given example. ? State its three dimensions also.
A company wants to increase its market share from the present 10% to 25% to have a dominant position in the market by the end of the next financial year. Ms Rajni, the sales manager has been asked to prepare a proposal that will outline the options available for achieving this objective. Her report included the following options - entering new markets, expanding the product range offered to customers, using sales promotion techniques such as giving rebates, discounts or increasing the budget for advertising activities. Which step of the planning process has been performed by Ms Rajni?
Rama Stationery Mart has made a decision to make all the payments by e-transfers only. Identify the type of plan adopted by Rama Stationery Mart.
What kind of strategic decisions are taken by business organisations?
What are the main aspects in the definition of planning?
Can planning work in a changing environment? Give a reason to justify your answer.
What is meant by staffing?
Identify the network of social relationships which arises spontaneously due to interaction at work.
What is informal communication?
State the meaning of controlling.
What is meant by capital structure?v
What is meant by management?
What is a Treasury Bill?
State any two advantages of branding to marketers of goods and services?
What makes principles of management flexible?
Under which consumer right does a business firm set up consumer grievance cell?
Explain the significance of the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
Why is recruitment an important step in staffing?
‘Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back.’ Comment.
Aval Ltd. is engaged in the business of export of canvas goods and bags. In the past, the performance of the company had been upto the expectations. In line with the latest demand in the market, the company decided to venture into leather goods for which it required specialised machinery. For this, the Finance Manager Prabhu prepared a financial blueprint of the organisation’s future operations to estimate the amount of funds required and the timings with the objective to ensure that enough funds are available at right time. He also collected the relevant data about the profit estimates in the coming years. By doing this, he wanted to be sure about the availability of funds from the internal sources of the business. For the remaining funds, he is trying to find out alternative sources from outside.
a. Identify the financial concept discussed in the above paragraph. Also, state the objectives to be achieved by the use of financial concept so identified. ( Financial Planning).
b. ‘There is no restriction on payment of dividend by a company’. Comment. ( Legal & Contractual Constraints)
What are the features of the Money Market?
Explain the significance of management in achieving organizational goals.
Discuss the differences between the contributions of Taylor and Fayol.
Explain the term ‘Trading on Equity’.
What is financial risk? Why does it arise?
Can a large sized organisation be totally centralised of decentralised? Give your opinion.