Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Planning NCERT Solutions | Explain the various types of plans used

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Planning. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Extra Questions, Question 4: explain the various types of plans used in managem....
Question 4

Explain the various types of plans used in management.


In management, different types of plans are used, such as:

  1. Objectives: These are specific goals that an organization aims to achieve.
  2. Strategy: A comprehensive plan formulated to achieve long-term objectives.
  3. Policy: Guidelines or rules for decision-making within the organization.
  4. Procedure: A step-by-step sequence of activities required to perform a task.
  5. Method: A prescribed way in which a task is performed to achieve a specific goal.

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