What is marketing? What functions does it perform in the process of exchange of goods and services? Explain.
Marketing consists of all those activities, which involve satisfaction of consumer’s need. It is the process by which products are matched with needs and through which the consumer is able to use and enjoy the product.
Functions of marketing are:
What are the factors affecting determination of the price of a product or service? Explain.
A marketer of colour TV having 20% of the current market share of the country aims at enhancing the market share to 50 per cent in next three years. For achieving this objective he specified an action programme. Name the function of marketing being discussed above. (Ans. Marketing planning.)
What is marketing mix? What are its main elements? Explain.
For buyers of consumer durable products, what ‘customer care services’ would you plan as a manager of a firm marketing new brand of motorcycle. Discuss.
How does branding help in differential pricing?
Distinguish between convenience product and shopping product.
Discuss the role of intermediaries in the distribution of consumer non-durable products.
What are industrial products? How are they different from consumer products? Explain.
What information is generally placed on the package of a food product? Design a label for one of the food products of your choice.
Product is a bundle of utilities. Explain.
How does planning provide direction?
What is meant by staffing?
Identify the network of social relationships which arises spontaneously due to interaction at work.
What is informal communication?
State the meaning of controlling.
What is meant by capital structure?v
What is meant by management?
What is a Treasury Bill?
What makes principles of management flexible?
Under which consumer right does a business firm set up consumer grievance cell?
Which element in the communication process involves converting the message into words, symbols, gestures etc.?
Explain how management is both an art and a science.
How does leadership style affect employee performance?
What is the impact of legal changes on the business environment?
Distinguish between centralisation and decentralisation.
What are key result areas (KRAs) in controlling?
Explain the redressal mechanism available to consumers under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
What is meant by ‘grapevine communication’?
Discuss the elements of delegation.
Explain the elements of communication in directing.