Discuss the role of SEBI in regulating the financial markets in India.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) plays a pivotal role in the regulation and development of financial markets. Its primary functions include:
India’s largest domestic investor Life Insurance Corporation of India has once again come to government’s rescue by subscribing 70% of Hindustan Aeronautics’ ₹4,200-crore initial public offering.
a. Which market is being reflected in the above case?
b. State which method of floatation in the above identified market is being highlighted in the case? (Primary Market)
c. Explain any two other methods of floatation. (Private Placement, Offer through prospectus, offer for sale).
Explain the objectives and functions of the SEBI.
What is the common name for Beneficiary Owner Account, which is to be opened by the investors for trading in securities?
State any two reasons why investing public can expect a safe and fair deal in the stock market. (Point w.r.t safety of Transactions – Functions of the Stock Exchange).
Explain the recent Capital Market reforms in India.
Lalita wants to buy shares of Akbar Enterprises, through her broker Kushvinder. She has a Demat Account and a bank account for cash transactions in the securities market. Discuss the subsequent steps involved in the screen-based trading for buying and selling of securities in this case.
Name the document prepared in the process of online trading of securities that is legally enforceable and helps to settle disputes/claims between the investor and the broker.
“Money Market is essentially a Market for short term funds.” Discuss.
State the objective of NSE?
Name any two details that need to be provided by the investor to the broker while filling a client registration form.
How does planning provide direction?
What is meant by staffing?
Identify the network of social relationships which arises spontaneously due to interaction at work.
What is informal communication?
State the meaning of controlling.
What is meant by capital structure?v
What is meant by management?
State any two advantages of branding to marketers of goods and services?
What makes principles of management flexible?
Under which consumer right does a business firm set up consumer grievance cell?
The quality of production is not as per standards. On investigation it was observed that most of the workers were not fully aware of the proper operation of the machinery. What could be the way to improve the quality of production to meet the standards? (training)
Explain the qualities of a good leader? Do the qualities alone ensure leadership success?
An organisation provides security services. It requires such candidates who are reliable and don’t leak out the secrets of their clients. What steps should be incorporated in selection process?
Discuss the importance of training for both employees and organizations.
What is meant by recruitment? How is it different from selection?
Kaul Consultants have launched www.naukaripao.com exclusively for senior management professionals. The portal lists out senior level jobs and ensures that the job is genuine through rigorous screening process.
a. State the source of recruitment highlighted in the case above.
b. State four benefits of the above identified source of recruitment.
(Further information related to the above question 6) The management of company Bhasin Limited now realised its folly. In order to rectify the situation it appointed a management consultant -Mukti Consultants - to recommend a restructure plan to bring the company back on the rails. Mukti Consultants undertook a study of the production process at the plant of the company Bhasin Limited and recommended the following changes —
• The company should introduce scientific management with regard to production.
• Production Planning including routing, scheduling, dispatching and feedback should be implemented.
• In order to separate planning from operational management ’Functional foremanship’ should be introduced.
• ‘Work study’ should be undertaken to optimise the use of resources.
• ‘Standardisation’ of all activities should be implemented to increase efficiency and accountability.
• To motivate the workers ‘Differential Piece Rate System’ should be implemented.
(The above changes should be introduced apart from the steps recommended as an answer to Part c - case problem 6 above.) It was expected that the changes will bring about a radical transformation in the working of the company and it will regain its pristine glory.
a. Do you think that introduction of scientific management as recommended by M consultants will result in intended outcome?
b. What precautions should the company undertake to implement the changes?
c. Give your answer with regard to each technique separately as enunciated in points 1 through 6 in the case problem.
What is financial risk? Why does it arise?
Explain the principle of 'Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest'.
What is the meaning of staffing?