What is working capital? Discuss five important determinants of working capital requirement?
The capital invested in current or working assets such as stock of materials and finished goods, accounts receivable, bills receivable, short-term securities and cash or bank balance for meeting day-to-day expenses is known as working capital or current capital.
Five important determinant of working capital requirement are:
Nature of Business: The basic nature of a business influences the amount of working capital. A trading organisation and a service industry firm usually needs a smaller amount of working capital as compared to a manufacturing organisation.
Scale of Operations: Organisations which operates on a large scale, their quantum of inventory and debtors required is generally high. Such organizations, therefore, require large amount of working capital as compared to the organisations which operates on a lower scale.
Business cycle: Different phases of business cycles affect the requirement of working capital by a firm. In case of a boom, the sales as well as production are likely to be larger and, therefore, larger amount of working capital is required. As against this, the requirement for working capital will be lowers during the period of depression, since the sales as well as production will be less.
Seasonal Factors: Some of the businesses have seasonal operations. During peak season, larger amount of working capital is required because of higher level of activity.
As against this, the level of activity as well as the requirement for working capital will be lower during the lean season.
Production cycle/operating cycle: Production cycle is the time span between the receipt of raw material and their conversion into finished goods. Some businesses have a longer production cycle while some have a shorter one. Duration and the length of production cycle affect the amount of funds required for raw materials and expenses.
Sunrises Ltd. dealing in readymade garments, is planning to expand its business operations in order to cater to international market. For this purpose the company needs additional ₹ 80,00,000 for replacing machines with modern machinery of higher production capacity. The company wishes to raise the required funds by issuing debentures. The debt can be issued at an estimated cost of 10%. The EBIT for the previous year of the company was ₹ 8,00,000 and total capital investment was ₹ 1,00,00,000. Suggest whether issue of debenture would be considered a rational decision by the company. Give reason to justify your answer. (Ans. No, Cost of Debt (10%) is more than ROI which is 8%).
Aval Ltd. is engaged in the business of export of canvas goods and bags. In the past, the performance of the company had been upto the expectations. In line with the latest demand in the market, the company decided to venture into leather goods for which it required specialised machinery. For this, the Finance Manager Prabhu prepared a financial blueprint of the organisation’s future operations to estimate the amount of funds required and the timings with the objective to ensure that enough funds are available at right time. He also collected the relevant data about the profit estimates in the coming years. By doing this, he wanted to be sure about the availability of funds from the internal sources of the business. For the remaining funds, he is trying to find out alternative sources from outside.
a. Identify the financial concept discussed in the above paragraph. Also, state the objectives to be achieved by the use of financial concept so identified. ( Financial Planning).
b. ‘There is no restriction on payment of dividend by a company’. Comment. ( Legal & Contractual Constraints)
Ramnath is into the business of assembling and selling of televisions. Recently he has adopted a new policy of purchasing the components on three months credit and selling the complete product in cash. Will it affect the requirement of working capital? Give reason in support of your answer.
Amrit is running a ‘transport service’ and earning good returns by providing this service to industries. Giving reason, state whether the working capital requirement of the firm will be ‘less’ or ‘more’.
‘S’ Limited is manufacturing steel at its plant in India. It is enjoying a buoyant demand for its products as economic growth is about 7–8 per cent and the demand for steel is growing. It is planning to set up a new steel plant to cash on the increased demand. It is estimated that it will require about `5000 crores to set up and about `500 crores of working capital to start the new plant.
a. Describe the role and objectives of financial management for this company.
b. Explain the importance of having a financial plan for this company. Give an imaginary plan to support your answer.
c. What are the factors which will affect the capital structure of this company?
d. Keeping in mind that it is a highly capital-intensive sector, what factors will affect the fixed and working capital. Give reasons in support of your answer.
Explain the factors affecting dividend decision?
What are the main objectives of financial management? Briefly explain.
What is financial risk? Why does it arise?
“A capital budgeting decision is capable of changing the financial fortunes of a business.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer?
“Capital structure decision is essentially optimisation of risk-return relationship.” Comment.
How does planning provide direction?
What is meant by staffing?
Identify the network of social relationships which arises spontaneously due to interaction at work.
What is informal communication?
State the meaning of controlling.
What is meant by management?
What is a Treasury Bill?
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What makes principles of management flexible?
Under which consumer right does a business firm set up consumer grievance cell?
Explain the various steps involved in the process of control.
Who can file a complaint in a consumer court?
A firm plans in advance and has a sound organisation structure with efficient supervisory staff and control system but on several occasion it finds that plans are not being adhered to. It leads to confusion and duplication of work. Advise remedy.
Explain the importance of organizing in business management.
Explain the techniques of managerial control.
Name any two Specific forces of business environment affecting business.
What is the common name for Beneficiary Owner Account, which is to be opened by the investors for trading in securities?
Examine the relevance of Taylor’s scientific management principles in the service sector.
Why is controlling considered a backward-looking function?
What are the essential features of:
a. Liberalisation,
b. Privatization and
c. Globalisation?