Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Financial Management NCERT Solutions | Ramnath is into the business of assembli

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Financial Management. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 5: ramnath is into the business of assembling and sel....
Question 5

Ramnath is into the business of assembling and selling of televisions. Recently he has adopted a new policy of purchasing the components on three months credit and selling the complete product in cash. Will it affect the requirement of working capital? Give reason in support of your answer.


Working capital means the capital invested in current or working assets such as stock of materials and finished goods, accounts receivable, bills receivable, short-term securities and cash or bank balance for meeting day-to-day expenses.

In the above case Ramnath purchasing the components on three month credit and selling the product in cash. In this situation the requirement of working capital will be reduced to the extent of credit he availed.

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