Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Financial Management NCERT Solutions | Why is the working capital management im

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Financial Management. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Extra Questions, Question 9: why is the working capital management important a....
Question 9

Why is the working capital management important, and what factors affect it?

  1. Working capital management is crucial because it ensures that a company has sufficient liquidity to meet its short-term obligations while maintaining operational efficiency. Proper working capital management helps avoid liquidity crises, reduces borrowing costs, and enhances profitability. Key factors affecting working capital are:
    • Nature of business: Manufacturing companies need more working capital than service-oriented companies due to inventory requirements.
    • Operating cycle: A longer operating cycle necessitates more working capital as more funds are tied up in inventory and receivables.
    • Credit policy: A lenient credit policy increases the working capital needs due to the delay in receiving cash from customers.
    • Business growth: Expanding businesses need more working capital to support increased production and sales.
    • Seasonal factors: Companies with seasonal demand require additional working capital during peak seasons to manage production and inventory.

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