Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Directing NCERT Solutions | What are the common barriers to effectiv

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Directing. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 3 , Question 3: what are the common barriers to effective communic....
Question 3

What are the common barriers to effective communication? Suggest measures to overcome them.


The common barriers to effective communication are:

  1. Premature evaluation: Communication is likely to fail if the receiver evaluates the meaning of the message before the sender completes the message.
  2. Badly expressed message: Use of wrong words or omission of necessary words results in badly expressed messages.
  3. Lack of attention: When the receiver’s mind is preoccupied, he fails to understand what is being said.
  4. Organisational facilities: Such as meetings, suggestion boxes, etc. are absent in the organisation.

The remedies to overcome these barriers are:

  1. Clarify the idea before communicating: The message to be conveyed should be clear in all aspects.
  2. Be aware of language, tone and content: The language tone and content used must be understandable to the receiver.
  3. Be a good listener: Attentive and patient listening, helps in understanding and retaining the message.
  4. Organisational facilities: Such as meetings, suggestion box, complaint box, etc. should be made an integral part of the working in the organisation.

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