Discuss Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory of motivation.
Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation was given by Abraham Maslow. It is based on human need.
The main assumptions of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory are:
Maslow has explained his theory as a hierarchy of five needs that are explained below:
1. Basic physiological needs: These are the basic needs, which a person is required to satisfy in order to survive. Hunger, thirst, shelter, sleep are some of the examples of these needs. In an organisation, basic salary helps to satisfy these needs.
2. Safety/security needs: These needs are concerned with physical, economical and social security, in the form of job security, stability of income, etc.
3. Affiliation/belongingness/social needs: These needs are concerned with affection, sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship. It is fulfilled when employees have cordial relations with colleagues.
4. Esteem needs: These needs include factors such as self-respect, status and recognition. When these needs are fulfilled through a job title, it enhances self-confidence and prestige of employees.
5. Self-actualisation needs: It is the highest level of need in the hierarchy. It arises after the satisfaction of all previously discussed needs. These needs include growth, self-fulfillment and achievement of goals.
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