Discuss the limitations of controlling in an organization.
Controlling is an essential managerial function, but it has its limitations:
‘Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back.’ Comment.
Explain the techniques of managerial control.
Write a short note on budgetary control as a technique of managerial control.
Explain the various steps involved in the process of control.
Mr Shantanu is a chief manager of a reputed company that manufactures garments. He called the production manager and instructed him to keep a constant and continuous check on all the activities related to his department so that everything goes as per the set plan. He also suggested him to keep a track of the performance of all the employees in the organisation so that targets are achieved effectively and efficiently.
a. Describe any two features of Controlling highlighted in the above situation.(Goal Oriented, continuous and pervasive – any 2).
b. Explain any four points of importance of Controlling.
Mr.Arfaaz had been heading the production department of Writewell Products Ltd., a firm manufacturing stationary items. The firm secured an export order that had to be completed on a priority basis and production targets were defined for all the employees. One of the workers, Mr. Bhanu Prasad, fell short of his daily production target by 10 units for two days consecutively. Mr. Arfaaz approached MsVasundhara, the CEO of the Company, to file a complaint against MrBhanu Prasad and requested her to terminate his services. Explain the principle of management control that MsVasundhara should consider while taking her decision. (Hint: Management by exception).
A company ‘M’ limited is manufacturing mobile phones both for domestic Indian market as well as for export. It had enjoyed a substantial market share and also had a loyal customer following. But lately it has been experiencing problems because its targets have not been met with regard to sales and customer satisfaction. Also mobile market in India has grown tremendously and new players have come with better technology and pricing. This is causing problems for the company. It is planning to revamp its controlling system and take other steps necessary to rectify the problems it is facing.
a. Identify the benefits the company will derive from a good control system.
b. How can the company relate its planning with control in this line of business to ensure that its plans are actually implemented and targets attained.
c. Give the steps in the control process that the company should follow to remove the problems it is facing.
Discuss the relationship between planning and controlling.
Give any two standards that can be used by a company to evaluate the performance of its Finance & Accounting department.
Name the principle that a manager should consider while dealing with deviations effectively. State any one situation in which an organisation’s control system loses its effectiveness.
How does planning provide direction?
What is meant by staffing?
Identify the network of social relationships which arises spontaneously due to interaction at work.
What is informal communication?
What is meant by capital structure?v
What is meant by management?
What is a Treasury Bill?
State any two advantages of branding to marketers of goods and services?
What makes principles of management flexible?
Under which consumer right does a business firm set up consumer grievance cell?
What is the importance of setting objectives in the planning process?
Ms. Jayshree recently completed her Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management. A few months from now a large steel manufacturing company appointed her as its human resource manager. As of now, the company employs 800 persons and has an expansion plan in hand which may require another 200 persons for various types of additional requirements. Ms. Jayshree has been given complete charge of the company’s Human Resource Department.
a. Point out, what functions is she supposed to perform?
b. What problems do you foresee in her job?
c. What steps is she going to take to perform her job efficiently?
d. How significant is her role in the organisation?
Explain the various types of plans used in management.
What is the relevance of Fayol’s Principles in Modern Organizations?
Krishna Furnishers Mart started its operations in the year 1954 and emerged as the market leader in the industry because of their original designs and efficiency in operations. They had a steady demand for their products but over the years, they found their market share declining because of new entrants in the field. The firm decided to review their operations and decided that in order to meet the competition, they need to study and analyze the market trends and then design and develop their products accordingly. List any two impacts of changes in business environment on Krishna Furnishers Mart’s operations. (Hint: increase in competition and Market orientation).
Explain the importance of organizing in business management.
Explain the term ‘Trading on Equity’? Why, when and how it can be used by company.
Compare and contrast the principles of management by Fayol and Taylor.
Under which consumer right does a business firm set up consumer grievance cell?
State the objective of NSE?