Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Consumer Protection NCERT Solutions | What are the responsibilities of a consu

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Consumer Protection. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 2 , Question 2: what are the responsibilities of a consumer....
Question 2

What are the responsibilities of a consumer?


Following are the responsibilities of a consumer:

  1. A consumer should be aware about the various goods and services available in the market, so that he can make a wise choice by comparing their features and prices.
  2. A consumer must always buy standardized goods as they provide quality assurance. Thus, look for ISI mark on electrical goods, FPO mark on food products, hallmark on jeweler, etc.
  3. A consumer must learn about the various risks associated with the use and maintenance goods. He must follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  4. A consumer must read the labels carefully, so as to have complete information about the price, quantity, ingredients, usage, contents, expiry date, etc.
  5. A consumer must ensure that he gets a fair deal.
  6. A consumer should be honest in his dealings, choose legal goods and discourage unscrupulous practices like black-marketing, hoarding, etc.
  7. A consumer should always ask for a cash memo, as it is the proof of purchase required at the time of taking any action against a fraudulent seller/manufacturer.
  8. A consumer must file a complaint in case of any shortcoming in goods or services availed.
  9. A consumer should take initiative to form consumer societies that can take active part in educating consumers and safeguarding their interests.
  10. A consumer should respect the environment and avoid creating pollution.

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