Class 11 Business Studies - Chapter Business Services NCERT Solutions | Write a detailed note on various facilit

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Business Studies - Chapter Business Services. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 2 , Question 3: write a detailed note on various facilities offere....
Question 3

Write a detailed note on various facilities offered by Indian Postal Department.


The allied facilities provided by postal departments are as follows:

1. Greeting Post: Beautiful greeting cards.
2. Media Post: Effective media for indrain corporate to advertise their brand through the post cards, envelops, telegrams or on the social sites etc.
3. Direct post for direct advertising.
4. International money transfer through collaboration with Western Union finance services, USA that enables remittances of money from 185 countries to India.
5. Speed post: It has over 1000 destination in India and links with 97 major countries across the globe.
6. E-bill post is the latest invention of the department to collect bill payment across the counter for BSNL and Bharti Airtel.

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