Class 12 Business Studies - Chapter Business Environment NCERT Solutions | Krishna Furnishers Mart started its oper

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Business Studies - Chapter Business Environment. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 4: krishna furnishers mart started its operations in....
Question 4

Krishna Furnishers Mart started its operations in the year 1954 and emerged as the market leader in the industry because of their original designs and efficiency in operations. They had a steady demand for their products but over the years, they found their market share declining because of new entrants in the field. The firm decided to review their operations and decided that in order to meet the competition, they need to study and analyze the market trends and then design and develop their products accordingly. List any two impacts of changes in business environment on Krishna Furnishers Mart’s operations. (Hint: increase in competition and Market orientation).


The impacts of changes in business environment on Krishna Furnishers Mart’s operations are:

1. Innovation Indesigns
2. Market Orientations

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