Class 11 Biology - Chapter Structural Organisation in Animals NCERT Solutions | What are the cellular components of bloo

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Biology - Chapter Structural Organisation in Animals. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 6: what are the cellular components of blood....
Question 6

What are the cellular components of blood?


Components of blood include erythrocytes (RBCs), leucocytes (WBCs), and thrombocytes (platelets). These components form 45% of blood. They are suspended in the remaining fluid portion, called plasma.

Mammalian erythrocytes are biconcave, coloured cells devoid of a nucleus. They help in transporting respiratory gases.

Leucocytes or white blood cells are nucleated cells. They can be divided into two types, granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils) and agranulocytes (lymphocytes and monocytes). They help fight against various disease-causing agents entering the body.

Thrombocytes are cell fragments produced from megarkaryocytes of the bone. They play a major role during blood coagulation.

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