Cucurbit plant bears unisexual flowers as these flowers have either the stamen or the pistil. The staminate flowers bear bright, yellow coloured petals along with stamens that represent the male reproductive structure. On the other hand, the pistillate flowers bear only the pistil that represents the female reproductive structure. Other examples of plants that bear unisexual flowers are corn, papaya, cucumber, etc.
Define external fertilization. Mention its disadvantages.
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Humans reproduce __________. (asexually/sexually)
(b) Humans are__________. (oviparous/viviparous/ovoviviparous)
(c) Fertilization is __________ in humans. (external/internal)
(d) Male and female gametes are __________. (diploid/haploid)
(e) Zygote is __________. (diploid/haploid)
(f) The process of release of the ovum from a mature follicle is called__________.
(g) Ovulation is induced by a hormone called the __________.
(h) The fusion of male and female gametes is called _____________.
(i) Fertilisation takes place in _____________.
(j) Zygote divides to form _____________which is implanted in uterus.
(k) The structure which provides vascular connection between fetus and uterus is called ____________.
What is meant by monosporic development of female gametophyte?
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Humans reproduce __________. (asexually/sexually)
(b) Humans are__________. (oviparous/viviparous/ovoviviparous)
(c) Fertilization is __________ in humans. (external/internal)
(d) Male and female gametes are __________. (diploid/haploid)
(e) Zygote is __________. (diploid/haploid)
(f) The process of release of the ovum from a mature follicle is called__________.
(g) Ovulation is induced by a hormone called the __________.
(h) The fusion of male and female gametes is called _____________.
(i) Fertilisation takes place in _____________.
(j) Zygote divides to form _____________which is implanted in uterus.
(k) The structure which provides vascular connection between fetus and uterus is called ____________.
Very very thanks
Nice ,thanks a lot
Thank you so much
Thankyou very got it define
Thanku so much.
Thank u