Placentation refers to the arrangement of ovules inside the ovary. It is of five basic types.
(A) Marginal placentation
The ovary in which the placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules develop on two separate rows is known to have marginal placentation. This type of placentation is found in peas.
(B) Parietal placentation
When the ovules develop on the inner walls of the ovary, the ovary is said to have parietal placentation.
C) Axile placentation
In axile placentation, the placenta is axial and ovules are attached to it. Examples include China rose, lemon, and tomato.
(D) Basal placentation
The ovary in which the placenta develops from its base and a single ovule is found attached to the base is said to have basal placentation. It is found in marigold and sunflower.
(E) Free central placentation
In free central placentation, the ovules develop on the central axis while the septa are absent. This type of placentation is found inDianthus and primrose.
Which of the following is not correct?
(a) Robert Brown discovered the cell.
(b) Schleiden and Schwann formulated the cell theory.
(c) Virchow explained that cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
(d) A unicellular organism carries out its life activities within a single cell.
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Describe the digestive role of chymotrypsin. What two other digestive enzymes of the same category are secreted by its source gland?
Define sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
Thank you for this information
pls example are what
This was very helpful and thank u
also give defination of Superficial placentation
Write about its evolution ...,... Its to good that u make the beneficial For students.. Any chance for me to be the editor here
agremone comes under superficial or laminar placentation in which ovules are attached to the sides of locules or chamber
Under which catgry the argemone comes??
Under which category does strawberry and custardapple comes??
Hi Esther, As you asked, SUPERFICIAL PLACENTATION also falls under this category.
Hi Abel kandwara oino, Yes you are right apical placentation also fall under this categories.