The mechanism by which the kidney regulates the glomerular filtration rate is autoregulative. It is carried out by the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Juxtaglomerular apparatus is a microscopic structure located between the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle and the returning distal convoluted tubule of the same nephron.
It plays a role in regulating the renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. When there is a fall in the glomerular filtration rate, it activates the juxtaglomerular cells to release renin. This stimulates the glomerular blood flow, thereby bringing the GFR back to normal. Renin brings the GFR back to normal by the activation of the renin-angiotensin mechanism.
Describe the role of liver, lungs and skin in excretion.
What is meant by the term osmoregulation?
Which of the following is not correct?
(a) Robert Brown discovered the cell.
(b) Schleiden and Schwann formulated the cell theory.
(c) Virchow explained that cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
(d) A unicellular organism carries out its life activities within a single cell.
List the hormones secreted by the following:
(a) Hypothalamus
(b) Pituitary
(c) Thyroid
(d) Parathyroid
(e) Adrenal
(f) Pancreas
(g) Testis
(h) Ovary
(i) Thymus
(j) Atrium
(k) Kidney
(l) G-I Tract
Describe the structure of the following with the help of labelled diagrams.
(i) Nucleus
(ii) Centrosome
How do you distinguish between a skeletal muscle and a cardiac muscle?
All questions are very easy to learn from it ðððð¤
It is really a easy and right answer of this question
It makes my work easy...
Very good answer easy to understand....keep us learning....thanks Saralstudy
Very very good answer ...but ...well
That's a good answer
Very good answer