Plants have autotrophic mode of nutrition as they have the ability to synthesize their own organic food by process of photosynthesis due to presence of green pigments chlerophylum. However, some insectivorous plants are partially heterotrophic. They have various means of capturing insects so as to supplement their diet with Nitrogen derived from insects, as they live in nitrogen deficient soil. The examples include pitcher plant (Nepenthes), Venus fly trap, Bladderwort and sundew plant (Drosera).
How are viroids different from viruses?
Which of the following is not correct?
(a) Robert Brown discovered the cell.
(b) Schleiden and Schwann formulated the cell theory.
(c) Virchow explained that cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
(d) A unicellular organism carries out its life activities within a single cell.
Define sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
Multicellular organisms have division of labour. Explain.
Which of the following is correct:
(a) Cells of all living organisms have a nucleus.
(b) Both animal and plant cells have a well defined cell wall.
(c) In prokaryotes, there are no membrane bound organelles.
(d) Cells are formed de novo from abiotic materials.
Write short notes on the functions of the following hormones,
(a) Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
(b) Thyroid hormones
(c) Thymosins
(d) Androgens
(e) Estrogens
(f) Insulin and Glucagon
Good question thanks for the saralstudy
The best answers I could find. Thanks a lot
Autotrophic organisms can be studied in where?
Can you pleace explain shortly
Good to understand
Gabar sawal ka Thakur jabab.
It's not chlerophylum .it should be chlorophyll.. chlerophylum is a type of fungus it's not a pigment
super helpful
Nice to whoever have done thisð
Mahabhaukali questio and answr