Class 11 Biology - Chapter Animal Kingdom NCERT Solutions | Match the following: (a) Operculum (i) C

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Biology - Chapter Animal Kingdom. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 14: match the following a operculum i ctenophora....
Question 14

Match the following:
(a) Operculum (i) Ctenophora
(b) Parapodia (ii) Mollusca
(c) Scales (iii) Porifera
(d) Comb plates (iv) Reptilia
(e) Radula (v) Annelida
(f) Hairs (vi) Cyclostomata and Chondrichthyes
(g) Choanocytes (vii) Mammalia
(h) Gill slits (viii) Osteichthyes


            Column I                              Column II

(a)       Operculum                (viii)   Osteichthyes

(b)       Parapodia                  (v)       Annelida

(c)       Scales                         (iv)      Reptilia

(d)       Comb plates              (i)        Ctenophora

(e)       Radula                        (ii)       Mollusca

(f)        Hairs                           (vii)    Mammalia

(g)       Choanocytes             (iii)     Porifera

(h)       Gill slits                     (vi)      Cyclostomata and Chondrichthyes

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